Chapter 25

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"He's Bailey's family so he is ours. Sure he isn't here all the time like we are but he's important to her so he's part of the family."

Bailey frowned as she froze on the step she was on. She had originally came down to get a drink but now she was curious on who Corey was talking about.

"And if she was to one day want to have a relationship with him if the chance ever occurred? Even if she was with you?" Lilly asked curiously.

"Then she would have that time with him," Owen explained. Who were they talking about? Had the guys finally found someone they wanted to be with? "He is family Aunt Lilly, it's as simple as that. Even if he never wanted to be with us, he's still family. Sure, we are interested in him, but we also understand he may not feel the same way. We know he has a special relationship with Bailey and we are okay with that. If we can ever get her to love us like we love her and she isn't able to share Dr. Reid with us that is okay. If she needs that time with him to be just them two, fine, but if they are able to be with us as well, then that would be great also. Whatever Bailey needs we are willing to do. We love her more than best friends and family, Aunt Lilly. One day we want to marry her but we know it will take time for her to believe that as we are willing to wait. We are willing to do whatever it takes for her to believe that we love her."

Bailey gasped, no it wasn't possible. She had to have heard wrong. This was a dream, it wasn't real.


She looked up at Lilly and shook her head. She raced back up to her room and shut the door. This wasn't possible, she heard wrong that had to be it. This was wrong and if it was real it would change EVERYTHING. She couldn't have that. She couldn't lose everything that was keeping her sane right now. She couldn't.

She grabbed her phone and dialed the number she knew by heart. She needed sense right now and only one person could give that to her.

"Bailey," Spencer's voice filtered her panic mind.

"Spence," She gasped, "Spence...I...I"

"Take a deep breath Bailey," Spencer said calmly. She took a deep breath then another. Once she got herself out of most of her panic she sniffled. She didn't even realize she had started crying. "They told Lilly that they love me and are interested in you and they can't Spence! They can't!"

"Can't be interested in me?" He asked and she scoffed.

"Spence! Be serious," She ran her fingers through her hair.

"I'm always serious Bailey," He pointed out.

"They can't love me, Spencer!" She gasped.

"Why not?" He asked confused.

"Come on Spencer!" She rolled her eyes. "I'm thoroughly fucked up in the head and body for one thing. They are my best friends of forever for another! I'm not capable of love for another!"

"Bailey, you are not messed up in the head and you have recovered physically from your ordeal," he pointed out. "You only think you are messed up because you are afraid. Don't forget, I know what it's like to be afraid of your own mind."

"It would change everything, Spence," She whimpered as she curled up in her little reading nook they had created for her. "Everything would be different if it were even possible."

"Stuart Chase once said 'For those who believe, no proof's necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof's possible.' You are refusing to see the proof that is already there so you think it's not possible, Bailey. It is possible and you just haven't seen it because you won't allow yourself to. You have become comfortable in the dark of not knowing or thinking about change. But Bailey, as Terry Pratchett once said, 'Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always been there first and is waiting for it."

"What does that mean?" She asked confused.

"It means that everything eventually falls apart, Bailey. The trick is accepting when it's over."

"I don't want it to be over," She pouted. "I want to stay how things are."

"It's no longer possible," He shook his head. "You now know the truth and need to accept it. But there is still some stability there, Bailey."

"What are you talking about, Spence?"

"They and I will still be your best friends. Do you remember what I told you while I was there? What's rare is finding someone who makes us happy. You make all of us happy, Bailey, and we know that we make you happy."

"Are you saying you love me too, Spence?"

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