Chapter 32

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"Wow, look at you Little One," Victor beamed as Gabe had Bailey stand then twirl while still holding his fingers, making her giggle.

She was wearing a colorful dress that had hearts and sprinkles all over it. The hearts had words like cute, sweet, and other endearing words in them. Her shoes were pastel colored with flowers and starts and had little unicorn charms hanging on them. Her hair was up in pigtails with rainbow ribbons in them. She had an elephant binky hanging from her dress that said Little One on it and she was holding a Lotsa Heart Elephant stuffy and the elephant from Spencer in her arms. (Pictures found on Etsy)

 (Pictures found on Etsy)

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"So pretty," The rest of them said while still trying to believe that their Bailey was actually in a dress, much less a colorful one

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"So pretty," The rest of them said while still trying to believe that their Bailey was actually in a dress, much less a colorful one. They were so used to seeing her in emo skater clothes so seeing so much color at once was shocking.

"Come on, Little One, time to eat," Aunt Lilly smiled motherly as she patted the chair next to her.

"Otay," Bailey smiled as she wobbly walked over to her then sat down.

"Can we sit our ellies over there so they don't get dirty while we eat?" Lilly asked and Bailey nodded then handed her the elephants. "Thank you, look she can watch while we eat." Victor sat the elephants on the bar counter where Bailey could still see it.

"Has anyone been able to get ahold of Uncle or Dr. Reid?" Kota whispered while Lilly was helping Bailey eat her scrambled eggs with a spoon since the fork was too difficult for her.

"Uncle was going to call Garcia as soon as we got off the phone with him," Harry nodded.

Just then the door opened and Bailey squealed in excitement, "Da Da!!"

"Hi Sweet Pea," Spencer smiled as he sat his messenger bag down then picked her up and hugged her tightly. "I missed you."

"Miss you Dada," She hugged him tightly.

"Go eat, Bailey," Spencer said as he sat her back in the chair. "Hello Dr. Anderson, everyone."

"Hello Dr. Reid," they said back.

"So you know she is a little?" Owen asked and Spencer nodded.

"Very rarely but yes, there have been times," he said as everyone scooted down so he could sit beside her. Marc handed him a plate and he began cutting up his pancakes.

"So do you have a thought on her being so....opposite?" Lilly asked carefully.

Spencer nodded, "You know Garcia-she carries a laptop, not a gun. She can't even look at crime scene photos without needing pictures of panda bears to counterbalance them." He shrugged, "I just figured on the rare occasion she does change, it is her way of counterbalancing."

"And what is your thoughts on why she slipped now around us and has never before?" Owen asked.

"Oh, she has let tiny tendencies slip but caught herself and stopped before allowing it to happen," he nodded. "If you think about it, the times she needed that extra hug, wanted to be carried, watched cartoons, correctly the way she spoke. She has, you just didn't realize it at the time."

"That makes sense," Lilly nodded. "Are you done eating, Dear?"

Bailey nodded and laid her head on Spencer's arm.

"Go wash your hands and teeth, Bailey," Spencer said and she nodded as Henry picked her up.

"Do you have an idea why she full blown slipped now?" North asked.

"I suspect brain could no longer handle the stress and pain of everything that has been happening to her. Rose Kennedy once said, 'It has been said that time heals all wounds. I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue, and the pain lessens, but it is never gone,'" he said as he sat his fork down. "If you think about it, she has had the shock of her bubble being burst and finding out the truth on our feelings for her, which caused her to run due to her flight response. Then due to her running, she had the stress and trauma of being completely alone, albeit due to her own choice but still she was isolated, which triggered her PTSD from The Bandit. On top of that she was not taking her medication which affected her depression and while spiraling she didn't feel safe enough to reach out because she feared repercussions of her running, isolation, and everything around her changing with no sense of control of it. It's really not surprising that once her safety net finally caught her she could no longer prevent her sense of reality to change."

"What do you mean her sense of reality? This is just a part of who she is," Lilly said confused.

"Oh it is," he nodded in agreement. "But if you go off what Carl Jung has said 'The most important question anyone can ask is-what myth am I living?' If you think about it, it also goes along with what Iris Murdoch as had about life. 'We live in a fantasy world-a world of illusion. The great task in life is to find reality.' Who is to say that the Bailey we typically know is not actually an illusion myth she has portrayed around us and the Bailey you are seeing now is the true one? After all, isn't that what age regression is? A way for the brain to create a safe space for her to safely cope until the stress is no longer too painful for her to handle. It is a safe coping mechanism and who is to say that isn't what an illusion or myth is to some? It is all about perspective."

"The way your mind works simply fascinates me," Lilly shook her head.

"And scares others," he smirked.

"Dada," Bailey smiled and made grabby hands so he scooted his chair back and Henry sat her in his lap.

"I thought you were a germaphobe," North frowned in confusion.

Bailey ran her fingers over his sweater vest as Spencer shrugged, "One makes exceptions."

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