You really had gotten much more happier and cheerier after getting away from your mother and it was especially noticable when you didn't seem to worry about the smallest of things.

Thankfully, Ken stopped bullying you when Emma walked into the kitchen and looked in surprise at how almost everything was already cooked. She let out a happy squeal, thanking you for freeing her from the agony of making breakfast and pulled you into a hug.

As happy as you were with how Emma was comfortable with you now, you can't say the same for Ken. He certainly didn't enjoy Emma's clinginess to you.

"Fucking brat, maybe I should poison her damn egg..." ken whispered to himself as he plated everything, with you and Emma placing everything to the dining table.

You all came out to see Mikey somehow back to his sleepy self, despite being fully awake while taking pictures with you.

"Pass me the shoyu!! Or I'll start crying..." He drawed out to Emma while seating on the table. Grandpa Sano just ignored his antics, too old and clearly too tired to deal with his grandson's stupidity.

"Who the fuck made the rice?" Mikey sneered, popping it in his mouth, "I did!" You declared and his scrunched up expression turned soft and light-hearted, "Ah, it tastes amazing, [Name]-chin!! Did you use anything different for the seasoning? It tastes like heaven on earth!!" He stated and you all looked at him incredulously.

"No, Manjirō... I just cooked it normally..."

He nodded with a grin, "I know, but anything that you touch just tastes amazing!"

Ah, he really was turning into a simp... Just like his older brother.


After breakfast, you all made the decision to walk to school. Your's wasn't that far away from the other's, so you only had to walk alone for about five more minutes. Although, you ended up taking another 6 minutes since Manjirō just wouldn't let go of you and ultimately, Ken had to pry him off with the threat that he might make you leave the gang.

And so, here you were...

Walking to your school with a skip in every step of yours. You were so excited to show Yuki your new uniform!! Now you look like a proper girl!! But other than that, you also had to talk to her about the visions you saw.

While walking to school, you pondered about what you could give to Emma on her birthday, but nothing came to mind. After a while of contemplation, you figured that you'd just go gift hunting with Yuki or Ken. Or both, if neither had bought a gift for her.

As you finally reached the school, you walked in the hallways and almost immediately, you were sure you could feel people's eyes on you. Perhaps it was because they knew you as a guy and seeing you wear a skirt is just weird, or maybe because you were doing something wrong? Even if your weren't, your brain would often overthink like that.

When you finally reached your classroom, you slid the door open and everyone turned their heads to you in surprise. But the first one who tackled you into a hug was Yuki, "[Name]!!" She squealed, clinging onto you for dear life.

"Oh, my God!! That's a skirt!! I'm so proud of you, bestie!!" She jumped up and down while holding onto your hand, making you smile widely.

"Hey, Yuki!! Long time no see!" You started and she totally agreed, "I know, right!! I feel like it's been ages since we last saw each other!!" She gushed and you both walked to your seat.

Even if her seat was a bit farther away from yours, you could still easily sign each other whatever you wanted to say. Placing down your bag, your seat was crowded by many of your classmates.

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