Chapter 27 - Aster

Start from the beginning

If they don't have it, then we're fine. We're clear to continue as we planned. If they do... then what seemed like an unquestionable victory yesterday I can only hope turns out any degree better than disaster.

My palms sweat as we wait, and I fight not to wipe them off on my pants. When the last person arrives, the door wizard enters the room and casts to shut the door. Normally, there are two outside and two more in. I'm glad we've been able to cut so many people from inside the castle, but there's something that stings in its necessity.

Once everyone arrives, Selenia seats them and calls, "Now that we are all gathered, let us continue our discussion. As I remember it, High Lady Aselle had proposed that we take aggressive action and bring the fight to the Kadranians. Prince Aster brought forth the recommendation to hold steady and remain on the defensive until reinforcements arrive. Does anyone have a word to impart?"

Aselle slides a glance to Temmarelle that I almost don't catch. My stomach drops.

Temmarelle straightens in her seat. "My Queen, I fear there's another matter for us to cover as well, one of utmost urgency."

The whine in her voice sets my teeth on edge, and dread catches in my throat.

"What is the matter, Lady Temmarelle?"

"Unfortunately, I have reason to believe that Prince Aster has facilitated espionage of your Table."

The Ladies expertly feign shock. Solitaena frowns and rolls her eyes. She recognizes as well as I do that the bribery of pages is more open secret than crime. My only mistake is getting caught, and anger burns that Leavi let the condemning evidence be stolen.

Selenia frowns. "What is this reason, Lady Temmarelle? That is quite an accusation to bring before me."

Temmarelle lays a leatherbound notebook on the table. Any remaining denial flees my mind. That's Leavi's, and the Ladies aren't even just using the fact that I know their plan against me.

They're going to completely destroy my credibility.

"A concerned citizen gave this to me after seeing a page let the prince read it."

I bite my tongue. Jacin couldn't have seen that, but any argument before it's asked for is practically an admission of guilt.

"It contains transcribed messages between Ladies of your Table, Queen," Temmarelle adds.

I want to think that such obvious flattery would hold no weight with my sister, but I fear the ostentatious vipers have convinced her they actually admire her.

Selenia turns to me. "Do you have words against this accusation?"

Cooly, I watch the Ladies. They can't let Selenia read the notebook; it will only speak evil of them. "I see no evidence, only leather. Let the Queen call it espionage if she so sees it."

She turns back to them. "His words ring wise to me." She raises a hand toward the back of the room. The door wizard casts, and the book rises from the table and floats to Selenia. She takes it from the air and flips through it.

Jagged edges mark torn-out pages, and triumph once again falls into despair. Of course they removed any dangerous material before handing it over.

Temmarelle speaks up. "It seems someone was working to keep some of the pages from being seen, but I could only assume that it's more private information, stolen."

Selenia frowns. "Yes, this appears to be very serious indeed." She looks at me. "Do you have words against this new information?"

Stars, she nearly sounds like she's trying to believe this. Does she not realize how hypocritical this is?

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