1. Door to a new time

Start from the beginning

But what I saw confused me even more. A old but clean looking room. A candle lighting the room and that's it.
'Was there a room like this in the museum?' looking around I spotted another door and stepped through it.
What I saw was a hallway with big windows to my left and right.
'Wait this doesn't look like the museum. There weren't hallways like this' thinking that I stepped closer to the window, too only get shocked.
'There wasn't...a forest around the museum...and I wasn't on the second floor like now...why aren't there any people here?' deciding to go right I followed the hallway.
'There's nothing but doors and windows here. There should be stairs leading down eventually...' passing by all the doors I turned a corner and fell backwards, because I bumped into something...again.
'Ah...come on Kayla can't you watch out for your surroundings?'looking up I saw a stange looking tall man in front of me. He had purple-black hair, the tips turning into a white shade, a black eyepatch and the most strangest thing I couldn't believe was that there is a sword on his belt.
'That's so lame. Who is he cos playing?' not the least impressed I stood up only to be pressed roughly against the wall. The man held my shoulders really tight and was breathing heavily.
"Ouch! What are you doing?! Let me go you pervert!" I shouted and pushed against his chest but he wouldn't budge.

His face came closer to my neck.
"Hey! Stop! Get away from me!" I shouted and pushed again futile and now I could feel his breath on my skin. 'What, what is he doing?!' my hands trying to push his face away I closed my eyes and hoped I was stronger then him. He was dangerously close, I was really scared and breathing became difficult"No...get...away" I said without strength and couldn't get any air. Tears ran down my cheeks and I was about to give up, when a loud voice got my attention.

"JEAN! STOP!" a male voice said and I could feel the dangerous man being torn away from me. I fell to the ground, holding my neck and coughing uncontrollably, trying to catch my breath.
"You can't live without it anymore, so don't refuse it and drink it now." the new male voice said. I looked up and could see that he was giving him a little bottle of red liquid and the man named Jean drank the whole bottle.
'Is that...wine? Why would you give him-' I couldn't think any more because now their attention was on me. The man who saved me walked to me, bowed down on one knee and extended his right hand to me. "Can I help you up, cara mia?" he said with a smile on his face. I took his big hand and he helped me up, my legs were still shaking so held me secure until I got my strength back. "Th-Thank you very much. I was really...scared back there. Thank you for rescuing me." I said and looked up to him seeing two gold coloured eyes staring back at me and his hair ombres from dark grey to a whitish silver at the tips.
"Pretty..." escaped my lips before I knew it, earning a bigger smile from my opponent. "Pretty? Thank you, cara mia. I always get told that I am handsome only. You're the first to call me pretty." he teasingly said and I could feel my face burning, trying to clumsily apologise for my rudeness he began to laugh and shrugged it off with a smile. "Allright, Allright calm down. I was just having a bit of fun. So...why is a beautiful little lady like you here in this mansion full of predators, cara mia?" he asked his smile not vanishing for a second, I could hear the one called Jean sighing heavily behind him.
"Cara mia? Mansion? Predators? Excuse me but what are you talking about. I was in a museum a moment ago, met a man with golden eyes, hair and clothing, chased after him to give him his pocketwatch back he lost, got attacked by that man and now, now I'm here" I took a long breath after what I said to calm a bit down.
The man in front of me thought about it seriously for a moment but then his usual smile formed on his face again.

But before he could say something a new voice cut through the scene.
"Well, well, what kind of rendezvous do we have here?" a nearby door opened and a man smiling walked out, hands in his pockets. He has tousled blue hair with bangs down the bridge of his nose. His eyes like a sapphire, and he has a noticeable beauty mark below the left side of his lips. He also has a piercing on his right ear.
My savoir sighed a bit annoyed as if he was caught doing something unpleasant.
"Why of all people did you show up..." my savoir muttered to himself and scratched the back of his head.
"What!? That hurt hearing it from you and I was just on my way to supper, but this little interesting uninvited guest got my attention." the blue man came closer to have a proper look at me.
'He's really tall...' my neck hurt looking up to him.
My savoir stopped him from getting any closer by laying his hand on his shoulder. The three men discussed what to do about this situation. It was more like the blue man trying to show his playboy side every chance he gets. The one named Jean was silent most of the time and my savoir tried to think of a solution.
I tried multiple times to get their attention, but they didn't notice me. This was going on for 10 minutes until, of course, someone new came into the show. It was a man in grey walking towards us.
"Excuse me, monsieurs, but the Lord of the house is requesting to see the guest." he said politely.
'Wait what?! The Lord of the house, but I'm in the Louvre, wait what? Is the Lord of the house the boss of thr Louvre or what? How did he know I was here? Am I in trouble...' taking a step back the man in grey looked at me, standing there as if to say I should follow him.
But wnting to escape this weird situation I was just in, I happily obliged, even though I was scared of the consequences of trespassing into someone's property ot whatever the man in grey said.

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