6. Time passes too fast

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Kayla's pov

Day 19, France, Mansion

Two weeks passed by without me noticing.
I had so much fun with the residents that time flew by. Too fast in my opinion.
Because now only 11 days are left until the door opens and that I have to bid farewell to everyone.

I really like to go to kids with Napoleon and Isaac and they are always happy to have me there, most of the time to play with them, but we also got really close.

One time I was talking with Arthur and I brought up my time and since then Arthur will always find me and I have to tell him more.
At first it I didn't like it, because I was the only one who talked and he only listened and took notes here and there, but now we would go out eat and talk or take a walk together.
It became a routine talking with Arthur and it made me happy.

I still helped Sebastian with work here and there.
While helping preparing food I was promoted to cracking the eggs!
It only took me two weeks to archive it...
I was still not allowed to try and separate the egg white from the yolk, because when he allowed me to try after a week I miserabelly failed.

Comte and me had tea together and were chatting about my time and if I liked it here.
I told him that I'm really grateful for everything they are doing for me and that I love it to be with them.

Theo, yes he somehow allowed me to call him Theo, and me quarrel everytime we see each other and argue about everything, but it's on the fun side, like we aren't really fighting but we kind of like to see who comes up with the best worst nicknames.
The others just like to watch us and comment on our nicknames and sometimes decide who came up with the best comeback nickname.
It stand 9:5 for Theo for the moment, but I will not let him win!

His angelic brother Vinc on the other hand is the sweetest on the world.
I like to draw and he offered me to draw together.
We would work on completely different paintings, paintings with the same topic or we would draw one painting together.
Until now we created four paintings.
Everytime I come in to continue drawing with him he works on oneexplicit canvas. I asked him what he's drawing, but he doesn't let me peek and said that I am only allowed to see the finished painting.

Dazai and I didn't talk much until now. The only times we talk is when he randomly pops in through a window. At first I would always get spooked by him and I would try to ask him why he enters through windows and not doors like a normal human being. He always avoid the question somehow and now I don't even bother, if he just randomly enters through his so loved windows.

Even though Jean apologised for what he did, I still don't want to be left alone with him.
I don't hate him, but if it's just us two in one room there's always that awkward silence.
So I try to avoid being left alone with him.

And Leonardo...
Oh man...
I don't want to start explaining how much he annoyed me until now
He teases me every chance he gets and makes fun of me.
That wasn't all evrytime I need to talk to him I need to look for him and find him in the most random places.
One time I found him naping under the dining table!
After finding him waking him up OS the next mission. I like to call it mission impossible, because if he doesn't want to wake up he won't.
Apart from that I found out he takes care of a black cat that has a bell around its neck. When I asked him what his name was he said that he doesn't have one.
I could not leave it like that so I asked him if I could name him and he said yes.
Many names came up in my mind but there were not good ones.
Like Blacki or Cat Noir.
After a long time thinking about it...
I still had not decided what to call it.
Not before it came to me while I was sitting on the floor and the bell rang.
Then I realised that bell (said belle or bel) means beautiful in french. That's when I decided to name it belle and Leonardo approved.

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