Sure, I was there for her, but she did this all by herself.

She's some sort of super hero, I swear.

She also insisted we use the garden, so she has me out there almost every day, planting flowers with her, vegetable plants, even an apple tree.

Don't get me wrong, the garden is gorgeous, but I'm not a fan of being covered in dirt when she throws it for the hundreth time.

Anyway, we are going out tonight.

Every friday is date night.

We take turns choosing places to go, whether its a trip to the drive through, even sometimes ikea to buy useless things, or a full blown fancy meal.

Tonight is the latter.

"Sorry, our. " she rolls her eyes. "Just wear one of those buttons downs I love." she bites her lip, moving closer.

"Woah, woah, you have company, keep it in your pants, Ms White." Lucas holds his hands up. 

"Soon to be Mrs." the other one chimes in and I shoot him a glare.

"Well, he hasn't grown the balls to ask me yet." she shrugs her shoulders, strolling out of the room.

I'd be lying if I said I don't enjoy watching her walk away.

"Hey, I have balls!" I shout after her, but I realise it's strange statement to scream that loud.

I just hold my hand out silently and he puts the box in my palm.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look out the corner of my eye.

"She'll say yes, Dom, stop getting your panties in a twist over it."

Slapping his hand, I walk out to the bedroom.

My thoughts are going at least a thousand miles per hour, if not faster and more chaotic.

I sift through the shirts in the wardrobe, all of them basically the same.

Look, I'm not one to panic over how I look and what I wear, but she's going to remember this for the rest of her life, I can't be looking stupid.

"Why are you so tense?" Alaina's hand runs down my back.

"I can literally see your shoulders tensing through your shirt."

"Just the boys, stressing me out." I'm a terrible liar.

And by the look on her face, she definitely knows I'm lying.

She seems to know everything, and I have no idea how.

"Hm, okay well wear that one, it makes you look..."

I look over at her to see why she paused, and see her eyes travelling down my now bare chest.

Raising a single eyebrow at her, I give her an amused look and she shakes herself out of it before laying down on the bed.

"I thought you refused to lay down when you curled your hair? Something about them dropping faster?"

"That's only if its a special occassion, I don't really have to energy to look dazzling tonight."

"You look 'dazzling' no matter what, love, hair or no hair." I begin to button my shirt, keeping my eyes on her.

"Is this you suggesting you're into bald girls, because if so, I'm not shaving my hair for you."

I just roll my eyes, shaking my head as she carries on rambling.

I've been with Alaina so long I've learnt to listen to her constant talking while doing other things.

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