It's Nice To Have A Friend

Start from the beginning

"Merci, you too, even if you won't do a thing." He smiled, scoffed, and waved at her as she walked out of her home, then, he chuckled to himself before he looked at the cat and smiled at it.

"Just gonna be just you and me today, I guess." He said thinking it was somewhat funny. Nauge looked at him and walked away with indifference before playing with the rug.

He stayed at the apartment and walked out to the balcony just to sit down on that small coffee table and admired the sunrise. He saw the redhead walking down the street, yards away, greeting everyone she bumped into. He smiled. That, as well as many things about her, hasn't changed.

Scamander walked back in and grabbed a book that was in english from the bookshelf, stepped outside once more, and sat down to drink his coffee and read for a bit. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. He had never heard of her but her writing was beautiful, the story interesting.

Moments later, he walked into the house again, found a book marker, placed it in between the pages before closing the book and leaving it back on the bookshelf. Then, he walked into bathroom to take a shower, brushed his teeth and got dressed afterwards.

He tied up the kitchen and fed the cat, then he sat down and did nothing. He was boring his brains out even if the book he had taken was quite interesting. Eventually, it was noontime, it really surprised him how fast did time go. He stood up, fixed his suit and made his way out of the house, he locked the house before heading out.

When he had locked the door with the use of a magic spell, he walked down the street. He had figured Paris would be a tough place to set foot on because of what had happened, but it was actually easier to walk down those streets than London's. He believed it was the felt softer, lighter, new. He didn't know, but whatever it was, it seemed to be helping.

  Eventually, he arrived at the Ministry, he simply said his name and the receptionist let him in. Theseus walked down the hallways until he found Rosier's office, he knocked on the door three times and waited patiently.

"Entrer." She said and he opened the door. Amelie's eyes snapped from a paper she was reading to the British man that stood before her. "Bonjour." She smiled and he smiled back.


"I'll be ready in a minute, I just need to sign this report." Theseus nodded as he looked through the shelves of her elegant office, finding many books and a few framed pictures. He focused on one she had from the Academy. Jean, Elyna, a tall man and another blonde woman were smiling and laughing as well as Élie. Theseus smiled at it, then his attention shifted to the picture she had with her mother. Amélie's mum looked ill, very ill, but she was smiling at the camera and she was hugging her eldest child, holding a small bouquet of flowers in one of her hands at a garden. Amélie had tears in her eyes though, and her smile was big but not bright, it was...sad.

"This is a lovely picture." He said when he saw Élie throwing her coat over her shoulders from the corner of his eye. She approached and had a look at said picture, she smiled, hummed in response and scoffed gently.

"It was taken a week before her passing. She suffered from Memory Loss along other things, and was not really lucid that day. When I arrived I found out she had been reading letters I had sent ages ago, and she read the one in which I told her I had graduated as an Auror, she got very excited all over again. I was happy that she was happy but it made me sad that she had to go back years...on paper to remember things." A sigh left her lips. "Sometimes the letters didn't help."

"Why did she do that?"

"Because she knew that it could happen at any given moment." He understood that the woman knew she could close her eyes forever and a chill went down his spine as he kept his hands into his pockets. "She felt the clock was ticking faster and she didn't want to forget the things that she struggled to remember over the years." A softer sigh escaped her lips and she shrugged as the guy kept on looking at pictures, soon his eyes landed on a picture where her mother was young, about Élie's age, standing by a tree, laughing. A bowtuckle standing on her index finger. Theseus chuckled softly.

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