Robin must be like super smart or ahead of schedule or something because she's a grade lower than us and is taking Senior chemistry. This is my second go at it and it's not easy.

     I sighed before taking a seat next to Hawkins sweetheart, Chrissy Cunningham. She awkwardly gave me a wave before going back to doodling in her notebook. Nice to see that things do change. Back in the day, she'd try and start a conversation with me, but I suppose that's what popularity does to a person. The drawings she was doing weren't exactly...the most expected? But I wrote it off as boredom.

      As the bell rang the teacher pulled out a paper and pointed to it. "I'm not going to move you to where you need to go. It'll take up way too much time of my class. Look at the seating arrangements. There are absolutely no changes to the chart I made so make yourself comfortable with who you got with you"

      People slowly started making their way to the front to see where they needed to go. There was a girl with short red hair that tried to talk with the teacher but she shook her head. "No Vickie. You aren't a special case. We aren't moving you due to any circumstances."

   The red head sighed and plopped down next to the person she was assigned to and rested her head onto her palm before frowning.

      As I got to the front nearly last, I saw that I have to sit next to the person who I've been watching from a distance since this morning, Steve Harrington.

     I shot him a fake smile and in return Steve smiled back with possibly one of the most genuine smiles that I've ever seen. Why was he so... bright? I mean he's with "the freak" right? I mean, he's even said it himself...multiple times.

     "Hey big boy... guess it's me and you then for this semester" I tried my best to hide my fears rising. He was nice earlier, sure...but there was no guarantee he would stay the same way learning that he was stuck with me.

      Steve laughed while taking his blue notebook with his first name covering the entirety of the subject area out of his bag "guess so."

     The teacher clapped her hands loud enough that it cut through all of the noise. "Class! Introduce yourselves. You have 2 minutes. No more no less"

    The red head tried to speak again but the teacher held up her hand again. "Vickie. No. You have to talk with your partner. I don't care about your backstory with them it's just how the chart works."

     Steve smiled and reached his hand towards me. "Hi! I'm Steve. Steve Harrington." What are we? In a spy movie? Why did he introduce himself like that. And besides,  I knew that. Everyone knew that. Did he forget he was popular?

     I sighed and awkwardly placed two fingers on his hand and lifted it up and put it down "Eddie."

     "Soooo... tell me about yourself. I mean I hear all about you from Henderson, but that kid idolizes you so...who knows if any of it's true" he laughed as he ran his hand through his hair. He tends to do that a lot, huh?

     "Believe me, doll. It is." I wink with a small smirk towards him. "But uh, this is my second time with senior year. I'm a metal head, and I drive a van.... Okay okay let me guess what you're gonna say. 'This is my first time doing senior year. I love pop music, and I'm dating Robin.' Spot on the money, yeah?"

    Steve busted into laughter as everyone stared at him. Including the teacher who pulled down her glasses to gave him a disapproving look. Steve pulled himself together and shook his head.

      "First two are right, the last one is dead wrong. Me and Robin? We're just friends. And we're gonna stay that way believe me." He wiped the stray tear from his eye before shaking his head again "You're funny, you know that?"

     Weirdly, I felt kind of relieved by both of the statements. It kinda gave me more ground to talk on. I could joke with him or even ask how he met Robin without it being awkward and romantic...there's so many uncovered topics! "So Steve-"

     "And TIMES UP! Time for your favorite thing! Going over the rules and expectations of my class."

     The whole class groaned and pulled out their notebooks. Steve leaned onto his palm because he already had his out. I didn't have a notebook with me so I crossed my arms and leaned back in the chair.

     "Yeah I know. I gotta do this 9 more times today, you can survive once, believe me." She sighed while lifting up a ruler with her hand and pointing to things on the chalkboard.

     Looking at Harrington, you would take it that he was the same as he's always been. Chasing after girls and spending every minute he can with one that he finds to be "the one" but... this year was different. Something about him changed.

      He didn't seem to be the guy I knew that used to throw me and my friends into lockers. What did this guy go through during summer to change him this much that he didn't even think about dating Robin, a pretty girl?

(A/N: Get to know you: What's your favorite song?)

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