Chapter 22 - The Mark

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I was running at full speed carrying Gabby bridle style in my human form. I hoped that having her pressed against my skin would calm me down. But my adrenaline and anger were still flowing through me. My inner frenzy pushes me through the woods at top speed. After Gabby expelled her magic, she fell unconscious again. I knew I had to get her back to pack land where it was safe for her to rest. Running in my human form was not the quickest or the most ideal, but it was the best way to carry her. I wasn't sure how long she would be out this time and I needed to get her somewhere safer than the middle of the damn woods. After running for a few minutes, I felt the small stirrings of her returning consciousness so I came to a stop. I decided to sit her down against a large tree as she drifted in and out. The sun will set in a few short minutes. I didn't want this but it must be where we'll have to stay for the night. I knew I needed to find wood for a fire to keep her warm until I could get closer to reaching the pack. My truck was undrivable and our phones were destroyed. We were still sixty miles from our pack border. I cursed myself for trying to impress her by taking her somewhere outside my borders.

"Mmmm," Gabby's head swayed slowly against the tree bark snapping my attention to her beautiful face. I knelt beside her and gently caressed her cheek. Her eyelids raised slowly before shooting open wide. "You're're ok," I reassured her as her body jerked forward and her head veered from left to right. Her eyes finally focused on mine as I comforted her through our link.

"I can hear you and you can hear me!" a slow smile creeping on her face. I nodded in return, joy filling my heart. I'm not sure if it was because of her witch's magic or our mate's bond but I was thankful. I wasn't sure I could ever communicate this way with her not being a wolf. I felt closer to her now more than ever.

I could feel a panic rising inside of her. "What...what did I do?" her hand raised to cover her mouth as her eyes filled with fear. I put my hands on her shoulders and gently pushed her back against the tree. I had hoped that she would have remembered. I wasn't sure if that was a bad sign or not. I took a long breath before answering. "Your power launched both you and that rogue up and away from the road into the woods and into a large tree. That wolf's back was broken as he absorbed the impact and..." I paused, not wanting to continue. I didn't want to tell her about what happened next.

Gabby's eyes widened in surprise. I marveled at how those same beautiful eyes clouded into sinister gray orbs right before she gave me the signal. In an instant, she shot them both high into the air and up against a large redwood tree. My excitement at being able to reach her mind was outweighed by my shock at her power. Since the battle began I tried to send her my thoughts to see if she understood. This was the first time she ever acknowledged me.

She mumbled that evil wolf's name before I cut her off. "He's dead. You don't have to worry about him." I finished.

Gabby looked at me with a slow realization before silently nodding.

"I didn't know what I was doing. I... I'm sorry I couldn't control it," tears welling in her eyes. Her shoulders started to shake violently and I could see the shame rising on her face. "I felt something...I knew something was about to happen."

My sweet Gabriella. She feels sympathy for that filthy dog that had his hands all over my...

"You saved yourself," I firmly reminded her. "We fight, they die, remember?"

I stared into her eyes, willing her to focus on me. I gave her a little shake that was a bit more forceful than I intended. "Don't feel regret for any of this." I tried to keep my tone soft, to not upset her but I needed her to believe me. "They would have killed me and taken you if they could." My heart leaped when I noticed her little shiver. I wasn't sure if it was my words or the increasing chill in the air so I immediately rose to find wood for a fire.

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