Chapter 17 - Summoned

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I was in complete shock. I was enraged. I almost shifted right into my wolf, I was so livid. Gabby just vanished right in front of me, in the middle of an argument. I never had anyone in my life dismiss me. Me, an Alpha. No one would dare. She did it in front of my Beta! I was fuming at the disrespect. I took a moment to calm myself because I could sense Stella's uneasiness at my agitated state. I don't understand how I had Gabby naked in my arms a few moments ago and now she is screaming about going home. As if she wasn't already home. I shot an incredulous glance over at Stella.

She shrugged and said "Don't look at me. You should have marked her already."

"I was ABOUT to.. before you came to me with this!" I shot back with irritation. "I have to go have her scent right?" as I ran a hand over my chin.

Stella nodded, "Yes, she's still here somewhere."

"In there." I pointed towards the bathroom irritably. "Take care of her, I'll be back as soon as I can", I said and I left. I needed to go but there was no way I'm leaving Gabby by herself. These rogue wolves could be anywhere near the house. We still don't know what is driving them to our territory. I doubt they might trespass near my home. But if Gabby is intent on trying to leave, there isn't any wolf I trust more than Stella to protect her. She was agile and fast and just as vicious a fighter as I am. She is a formidable soldier. Most importantly, she was a good friend. I've known her for years and I trust her completely.

I know she didn't want to be the one to interrupt my time with Gabriella. But, my father has summoned me. He is the only one I would leave Gabby for in the middle of the night. I assumed it has to do with these rogue wolves invading our territory. Why this couldn't wait until the morning, I don't know. I hadn't spoken to him since finding out about the bracelet I knew that he felt guilty but his pride wouldn't let him apologize. My mother apologized profusely for both of them. She admitted it was wrong to keep me from my mate. She justified it by wanting to ease my suffering. I told her I forgave them.

As I rode to my father's house, I had time to calm down. It gave me time to reflect on how out of control Gabriella made me. My parents never described the mate bond as anything like what I'm experiencing now.

Could our bond be stronger?

Having Gabby's naked body pressed against mine gave me a bliss I'd never experienced before. My whole body was strained with need and I could feel my face shifting slightly. I needed to sink my teeth into her soft flesh and claim her. I was going to mark her. My teeth were already out. She wasn't afraid but maybe she would be if she knew her erratic heart rate had me fighting my wolf for control. I wasn't inside her yet and I was losing it. I'm not certain if that was a good thing.

I arrived at the house I grew up in. There were no lights on in the house, which wasn't unusual. Wolves see very well in the dark so there was no need to always have lights on. I parked my bike and as soon as I approached the door, it swung open. I was greeted by my mother. She was dressed in silk pajamas with a matching sleep mask resting on her forehead. "My little wolf!" she exclaimed, taking my face in between both her hands. She tilted her face and offered her cheek for me to kiss. I kissed her cheek in the way I always have, ever since I was a boy. I knew that she desperately wanted to get back to our loving relationship.

"You never let me get to the doorbell mother," I grumbled.

"And you never will, I always know when my little wolf is nearby," she winked. She stepped back to allow me entry into the massive foyer. "How is your little Luna?" she asked cautiously. "I heard she charmed everyone at the packhouse."

"She's... upset with me and wants to go home," I sighed. "I told her no."

My mother threw her head back, laughing in the hearty way she always did. "Ask your father how well Lunas follow orders," she smirked. "He is waiting for you in the sacred caves."

I nodded. I kissed her once more and went out to the back of the house. I looked out at the large manicured lawn surrounded by thick trees. I took off my clothes and looked up at the night sky. I shifted into my wolf form. I stood for a moment to howl at the moon and take in the night before I began running.

The caves were only 20 miles away from the house. It would be a short run for my wolf. There was no easy access to them for humans. There were no roads or trails. It would be a difficult hike, even for an experienced hiker. But werewolves could easily make their way across the streams and thick brush. I reached the entrance to the caves and shifted back before I walked through the entrance. I strode past the ancient wall drawings of Selene, our moon goddess.

I descended deeper into the caves. I took no notice of the ancient paintings. I didn't need to. I have studied the archaic drawing of the children of the moon goddess. The descendants became the alphas that created all packs. This was the Snake River pack history. Our sacred caves are revered. Only wolves invited by Alphas were allowed inside. I wondered why he wanted to meet here and not at the house. I stopped in the mouth of the cave's smaller caverns when I saw a light ahead. My father was standing in front of a large fire pit. It was strange he would light a fire. As werewolves, we didn't need the light or the warmth because of our enhanced eyesight as well as our metabolism. He raised his head and I felt his mind link.

"Hello Son"

Before I could respond I heard something move in the darkness. I bared my claws, ready to shift and attack. My father's link called out to me to stop. I turned to him in confusion as out of the darkness stepped Claire Alarie. 

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