Chapter 13: Reflection and Revelation

Start from the beginning

"Thanks, you too. For a moment there, I didn't think you'd get it. But you luckily proved me wrong."

"I'm hurt that you'd ever doubt me," jokes Will. I laugh along. Chuck and Alexa approach the turkeys.

"This is great. We won't even need crops for the next little while," says Alexa, examining the birds.

"That'll give us time to set up the crop farm inside," says Chuck.

"What do you mean?", I ask.

"We always set up a crop garden by our big window inside. It's less than what we can grow in the summer, but it works. We're going to set that soon, aren't we?" Evie comes outside before anyone can answer.

"Yeah, I thought we were doing that," she says. "I'm getting the beech nuts soon as well." Hayden appears, not far behind her.

"Make sure someone's with you, this time," he says. "We don't need you falling from a tree."

"I was fine, remember? I appreciate the concern, but I know what to do. I'm the best at climbing trees out of all of us here, anyway. Why wouldn't I be careful?" Evie then turns to inspect the turkeys, as Hayden eyes her with a worried distrust.

"Well, it seems like we have a lot of jobs to do before winter. We also need to get the last of the crab apples," says Alexa.

"Let's start with these though. These are massive," says Hayden, joining everyone else in the observation of our kill. Alexa pulls out her pocket knife.

"Here, I'll take care of everyone's least favourite job," she says, before abruptly beginning to decapitate the first bird. Nobody says anything else, as we shrug it off and begin to deplume the birds.


As we've wrapped up our dinner, hours later, I get up from the fire to collect water. I've gotten much better at this job as well. My arms are much stronger than they were when I did it for the very first time. I'm still mind blown at how that was only about three months ago.

I bring back my third bucket, before going back to the trailer. I go to close the door, before hearing a voice call out from behind me.

"Wait! Don't shut it yet!", says Chuck.

"How come?", I ask.

"I want to grab some wood for the crop garden. Do you want to help me build it tomorrow?"


"Alright, great. It's basically just assembling a box against the wall, and filling it with dirt. I'll be there to guide you."

"Thanks." I watch as Chuck enters the trailer, turning on the flashlight in his hand.

"So, it was a successful hunt with Will today, was it?", he asks suspiciously. Here we go.

"Yeah, it was," I reply hesitantly, squinting at him. "Why do you ask?"

"Oh, no reason. It seems as though you two are hitting it off." At this point, I'm not going to dance around the truth anymore.

"I know you and Alexa have talked about it," I say. Chuck grows nervous, as he clutches the planks of wood from the trailer. "I don't care. I know it's painfully obvious that I have a thing for him. I just don't see why everyone cares so much." Chuck remains quiet. "I've never gone through this sort of thing before. I've told Evie that many times. Have you?" Chuck still doesn't say anything, causing me to slightly worry. "Sore subject?", I ask.

"No, it's fine," he replies. "The truth is, I actually can't relate. I have never felt that before. I'm sure I never will, either."

"How do you know that, if you don't mind me asking?"

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