I shifted through my closet, keeping it simple. A maroon button down, black dress pants and a black tie. I slipped on my ankle boots and headed across the hall towards the bathroom. Im going to miss having my own bathroom.

I thought about slicking my hair back, but as I stared into the mirror I liked my hair better the way it was. Then applied simple touches of concealer over the dark circles under my eyes.

Hyunjin came sliding into the bathroom behind me, side stepping to not be too much in my way. I looked at him through the mirror when he wasn't paying attention. How can this man be so... beautiful.

"Is Felix going?" I asked him, blending the concealer into my skin.

"No. He said he doesn't do social events." He said as he stood slightly behind me messing with his hair as if trying to figure out how he wants it.

I didn't say anything back. I didn't really do big social events either, but Hyunjin asked me so why not?

"Why are you even going?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Heeseung. His girlfriend dragged him to his homecoming, he wanted me to suffer with him." He chuckled and I smiled at the explanation. His friendship with that guy had to be something.

"How would even know?"

"Trust me. Heeseung would know if I went or not." Hyunjin eyes went wide, almost as if he was slightly terrified of the guy.

I just laughed as I backed away from the mirror, almost bumping into him. I hadn't realized he was actually that close.

"Sorry." I stepped to the side to let him have the area and walked out. As I stepped down the stairs, I noticed someone I wasn't introduced to before.

They walked passed me and I was slightly confused. It was a girl, her pixie hair cut had grown out to be a little shaggy. My eyes followed her as she disappeared into one of the bedrooms.

I walked down the stairs to be confronted by San. I pointed up the stairs and he smiled with a nod. "Who is she?"

"That is Haejin. They are non-binary." He informed me, instantly recognizing my confusion.

"Oh." I suddenly felt guilty for my original thought of them.

"Hyunjin almost ready? Cheongsan is getting antsy."

"Yes. I'm ready." Hyunjin called from the top of the stairs as he lightly jogged down. Full black suit, the matte blazer fit his shape perfectly, the shirt underneath was a low cut v-neck. His hair parted perfectly down the middle, shaping the sides of his face.

Hyunjin smiled at me as he reached the last stair and my stomach flipped a million times over. That smile, that face, his heart. If we were ever in a world of definite chaos, he would be my refuge.

He placed arm around my shoulders and shook me lightly. "Let's go!"

We were lucky to placed in a new dorm so much closer to the school. As we walked along the paved road towards the building, the three of them talked about something I did have the focus to pay attention to.

San had a boy on his arm and Cheongsan had a girl hugging his waste tightly. If I had the courage to, I'd probably do the same with Hyunjin. But I never will, he doesn't look at me the way I want him to.

Hyunjin glanced at me and I realized I was staring. I watched as he focused his attention back on their conversation, but his eyes occasionally glance at me.

We walked into the gymnasium, the room was already crowded with so many students, dressed in various styles. Ranging from ball gown to casual party dresses, from suits to casual jeans and a nice shirt.

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