23 | sleepless

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"I'm going to bed, I'll see yous in the morning," I say as the credits to the movie start, I push off the couch and start waking out the room, all the boys shouting good nights as I wave behind me.

I am the first one to go to bed, expect from Niall who is asleep next to the boys already. I get changed into a pair of shorts and a loose T-shirt, I think it might be Zayn's, but it's not mine.

I climb into bed and close my eyes, but my mind refuses to stop. I toss and turn for what feels like hours, I hear all the boys go into their own rooms at one point.

"Just one," I mumble to myself as I stand up. I walk to the door and pull it open slowly, careful to not wake anyone. I tiptoe back through to the kitchen, my phones flash being the only source of light.

I open the kitchen cupboard and reach for the bottle of vodka.

"Jay?" A familiar voice says from the darkness. I jump from the sudden disruption of silence as I look around.

"Jesus Harry, your gonna kill me," I hold my heart trying to calm it down. He laughs as he flicks the kitchen light on, making both our eyes squint until our eyes adjust.

"What are you doing?" He asks as I close the cupboard over.

"I was just looking for a glass, for a drink," I lie easily.

"It's the bottom one," he points and I mumble something along the lines of a thanks. I get a glass out and fill it with tap water, before taking a drink. Not exactly what I came looking for.

"Couldnt sleep?" I ask and he shakes his head.


"For once," I laugh.

"Your really good at writing music you know," he says as he walks over to the kitchen counter and pulls himself up onto it.

"It depends on what I'm writing about, if it's something I love then I'm good," I say, trying not to sound to full of myself.

"And who were you writing about?" Harry says, his eyes glancing over to mine.

"Who were you writing yours about?" I ask as I walk over towards the counter he's perched on.

"This girl, I've known her for years, she has the most beautiful eyes, and the softest hair, and her personality, it makes me fall more in love with her ever day, she makes me laugh no matter how angry I am. She cares about everyone around her and everytime she smiles, her eyes light up, and she can make everyone in the room smile just from hers," Harry says as he smiles describing the girl.

Was it me? I hope it is.

My heart speeds up slightly and I can feel my stomach twisting around.

"Who is the girl?" I ask nervously as I stand in front of where he's sitting. He jumps off the counter and lifts my chin up to his face.

"Who do you think?" He says with a soft smile as he looks between my eyes.

"Me?" I ask, hesitation covering my voice.

"Who else would it be Jay, it's always been you," he says and suddenly my lips are crashing on his. I jump and hook my legs around his waist as we both smile into each other's lips.


My eyes open slowly and I feel the weight of an arm over my waist, I look behind me and see Harry's bare torso against my back, his head is buried into my back slightly as he takes deep slow breaths, his eyes shut loosely. I turn onto my back and he moves around sleepily, resting his head on my chest, and keeping his hand across my waist. A soft smile spreads across my face as I look down at the boy, I pull my arm round and play with his hair gently, I lie like that, just watching him breath peacefully, matching our breathing patterns instinctively.

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