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The last few weeks have been crazy. We've been writing non stop and working with song writers to finish songs, we decided to split the songs as evenly as possible, me and Harry have 4, and the others have three each.

We have recorded them all nearly, except from two, but all mines are perfect and completely recorded. This is what the songs are looking like so far:

Live while we are young- Liam
Kiss you- Jayden
Little things- Liam
C'mon C'mon- Zayn
First last kiss- Jayden
Heart attack- Zayn
Change my mind- Jayden
I Would- Harry
Over again- Louis
Back for you- Harry
They don't know about us- Niall
She's not afraid- Harry
Loved you first- Niall
Nobody compares- Harry
Still the one- Jayden
Truly madly deeply- Zayn
Magic- Liam
Irresistible- Louis

I had noticed while writing that I was writing songs about a specific person. And that person was Harry. Every time I looked at him, I felt inspiration flood to me, I also realised it was always that way, that's why I never wrote a lyric since he left, there was no inspiration.

But, we had finally been given a holiday, so SPAIN TIME.

"Niall, where is the passports," I shout at the boy.

"I don't fucking know, why would you trust me with the passports," Niall shouts from the opposite end of the house.

"He's not wrong, that was stupid," Zayn laughs as he zips up his case. I glare at him as I lean against my new suitcase. I'm rich now, I've treated myself.

"Louis," I shout from the hallway.

"I've got them," he says and I sigh. Thank fuck.

"Right, can you all hurry up so we can leave," Harry shouts from the front door, Liam next to him.

"Come on," I say with a smile as we walk down the stairs with our heavy suitcases.

"Two minutes," Niall shouts as he and Louis drag there cases down the stairs.

"Lads lads lads," Niall shouts as he pumps his feet. I chuckle and join in.

"Lads lads lads!" We shout in unison as we make our way out to the taxi that's taking us all to the airport.


We walk off the plane to the warm sun hitting our face, this is what I need.

"I'm starving," I say to Harry who's walking beside me as we go to get out luggage.

"Same, we should go eat somewhere," he says and I laugh.

"That's what I was suggesting Haz," I say with a smile and he nods.

"Oh yeah, right," he laughs.

"I'm so happy we're away, I can't lie, if Simon spoke another word to me he was getting an uppercut," I say as I remember how irritating he's been.

"No I get you, I'm just happy we've finished the next album pretty much, it will make the tour so much less stressful," he sighs.

"Oh, I'm so buzzing for the tour though, I cant wait, a tours like one massive holiday," Harry looks at me with a soft smile as I rant about how excited I am. "Like I've never been on holiday before, this is my first time, and a tour is hundred of little holidays, and that's so cool, like I really jus," I stop talking when I realise he's watching the conveyer belt and probably not listening.

"You really what?" He says as he glances at me with a smile.

"Basically I'm so excited I can't stop talking," I say as I sigh, out of breath from my word spill.

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