9 | the calls

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"What's wrong with me," I mutter as I run for the door, pushing it open and pacing about in the fresh air. I attempt to steady my breathing but it is unsuccessful.  I sit down in the step, squeezing a dollop of the foundation onto my hand, before dipping the blender in it, I reach all the visible spots, including the ones on my back, the whole time my hands won't sit still, I can feel my breaths disappearing and my head is spinning.

Eventually, I drop the makeup, and stand up, pacing some more.

"Paul!" I shout through the door, scared to go back into the confined room.

"Yeah?" He shouts back.

"I need my phone now!" I shout desperately, the man walks casually towards me, my phone in his hand. He speeds up when he sees my visibly stressed state.

"Are you ok?" He asks concerned as he runs towards me.

"No," I say as I grab the phone off him. 

"Do you want me to cancel the show? I can do that, the boys will understand," he says as he attempts to comfort me.

"No I'll be fine just leave me please," I mumble as I unlock my phone and dial a number. I hold the phone to my ear and he leaves. The phone rings a couple times before going to voicemail.

"Hiya this is Jamie Crawford, I can't talk right now, leave a message and I might answer," my sister cheery voice says as tears roll down my face. I shut them for a few seconds, trying to stop them falling. A long beep projects into my ear. I swear and hang up, dialling another number. This one answers.

"Jayden?" My mum says into her phone.

"Hi, um can I talk to you for a minute?" I ask, my voice breaking half way through the words.

"Nows not really the time Jayden, Eastenders is just about to start," she says, not really listening. "And I heard your in One Direction now... that's for letting me know, and changing your name, real nice" she says bitchily.

"It's really important mum, I-" I say, before getting cut off

"You really should stop calling me that Jayden,your not a little girl anymore." She says, making the tears Id been holding back pour out.

"Fuck you," I say, before hanging up the phone. My breaths get quicker and quicker and my heart starts to hurt. I dial one more number, hoping it goes through.

"Hello dear," an old voice says through the phone.

"James I think I'm dying," I say quickly as I hold my chest.

"So do I dear," he chuckles, but when I don't respond he continues. "Are you ok? Jayden?" He says and I let out a loud sob.

"I cant do it," I say quietly and he just sighs.

"I heard your doing a show tonight, is that what you can't do?" He asks calmly.

"It's so many people, and people hate me already, everyone's saying I'm rude and a slut, they hate me," I say, trying to slow my breaths still.

"No, I watched that interview, you were in the right, all she cared about was your love life, all you need to do, is take a few deep breaths, and get out there, and prove to all those interviewers, that you are more than a gorgeous face," he says confidently, making a small smile spear on my face.

"Thank you James," I say quietly, wiping under my eyes, and finally controlling my breathing. My heart stops hurting as much and my hands aren't shaking anymore.

"I'm always here for you dear, and when I'm not, all your amazing friends are, those five boys all care greatly about you, it was obvious from watching there reactions to the questions," he says and I smile, sniffing.

"You think?" I ask shyly.

"I know. Now, go out there, and sing your heart out," he says happily and I laugh.

"Love you James," I say before he returns it and we hang up.

I stand up and take a deep breath, before walking back through the door. As I walk round the corner, all I can see is four boys sitting nervously, there feet bouncing or hands fidgeting. Harry was pacing about the room anxiously. Everyone was looking at the floor, or away from me.

"What's wrong with you lot then," I ask casually, making all there heads snap to me, before them all smiling relived.

"Are you ok?" Zayn asks as he walks over. I nod with a smile.

"I'm always ok," he looks at me softly and I glance at the boys. The all smile encouragingly, all except Harry, who is looking at me concerned still.

"So, are you coming on then?" Niall asks excited and I nod with a small smile. Niall, Louis, Liam and Zayn  all cheer and run towards me, ambushing me in a tight hug, I laugh and try put my arms round them all, laughing harder as I get squeezed tighter. I look infront of me and notice Harry watching us awkwardly. I roll my eyes and put my hand out, waving him towards the group hug, he smiles slightly before running over and joining the hug.

"Right, let me through, I need to fix the mascara stained face asap before your on," Lou says loudly, pushing her way through to me.

"Is it that bad," I laugh and she shows me the mirror. My face is red and my eyes are bloodshot, a river of mascara falling from it. I laugh and cover my face with my hands.

"Please fix it," I say and she nods.

Five minutes later my face looks perfect again and I stand up. A microphone is pushed into my hands and an earpiece in my ears.

"Let's go guys, you'll smash it," Paul says excitedly, before waving the boys to the stage. The chatter of everyone is suddenly very noticeable, and anxiety fills my throat.

But, I take a deep breath and smile.

"You ready?" Louis says as he puts his arm around my shoulder. I nod with a smile. "See if you mess up, they always think it's amazing, sometimes I mess up on purpose, you'll do great," he says with a smile. I laugh and nod.

"Thanks Louis, your a good mate," I say and put my arm over his shoulder.

"Oh, stop with the flattery," he says with a sarcastic smile while waving the words away in the air, "right, we're just gonna introduce you then run out ok?," he says with a smile. I nod and he nods to me reassuringly before walking over to the boys. All five of them run out, making screams echo around the sky. People shouting in them, screaming, shouting, cheering. I smile at the fact that could be me.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I have the pleasure to introduce our new member, and our very good friend, Jayden Brooke!" Zayn shouts, making me run out excitedly, the noise that follows is very mixed. I look out at the couple thousand faces, the biggest smile on my face. Then the sounds of cheers and boos filled my ears.

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