19 | sleepover

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"That was shite," Louis says as he stands up from the couch, after the very bad movie had finished.

"Let's go outside," I say excitedly.

"Come on," Niall joins in as we go outside. It was warm for once, so we sorted all the sleep bags out on the trampoline so everyone would fit. There was no sides on the trampoline, so we couldn't put anything inside really. The sun had already started setting.

"Pyjamas," I say excitedly as me and Niall chase everyone back into the house.

Ten minutes later everyone walks back outside into the dark sky making our eyes squint.

We all climb onto the trampoline, laughing and shouting as we walk crawl into our sleeping bag, lying in a row, our pillows at our head.

"Move Niall," Louis says as he kicks the boy, who laughs as he clings onto his shin.

"Come lie over here Niall," I say with a chuckle as he stand up and hood round to us in the bag, bouncing us all up and down as he does. Niall lies on the outside, leaving me between him and Zayn.

"Move, I don't want to sleep next to Liam, he kicks," Harry says as he stands up, gesturing to Zayn to move over and let him lie between me and him.

"Fuck sake," Zayn mutters as he moves over, as Harry flops in the space.

"Just say you wanted to lie next to me," I mumbled, making him smile slightly as he looked away. I smiled as I looked at Niall who was still holding his shin. "Are you still holding onto that?" I ask him with a laugh, and he shakes his head.

"No, it wasn't even sore, look I'm strong," he says as he flexes his arms, I laugh as I rub his head.

"I know your strong mate," I say and he smiles.

We all lie for a bit in a comfortable silence, watching the sky peacefully.

"Do you know what's mad," Louis says, all of us continue staring at the stars, while listening to the boy, "is that one day we won't be doing this," he says, making me frown. I never thought of that, I've only been doing it for a couple months but I think I would miss it so much. It's been the best months of my life.

"Do you think we will still be friends?" Zayn says slowly, and I sigh.

"I think so, I hope so," I say hopefully.

"I think if anyone was to stay friends Harry and Jayden are pretty secure, they've know each other forever," Liam says and I snort.

"Yeah and hated each other 95% of the time," I say, as Harry smiles next to me.

"We're yous in the same friend group or something, how did you spend so much time together if you didn't like each other?" Niall asks from beside me.

"She was pretty much my best mate," Harry says and I smile.

"Yeah, I had Jamie after I started living with her, but that was when I was 13, and she was popular, so I didn't hang about with her, and I had my boyfriend, but his friends were dicks, so Harry was probably my only mate," I say, still looking up at the stars.

"Why? It's not like your shy or anything, and your well funny," Louis says as he glances round at me.

"I was kinda dirty, and scruffy, and I never had nice clothes, or nice uniform, and I didn't know anything about media or music or tv or fashion or anything, cause we didn't have a tv, I didn't have a phone, and we couldn't afford magazines or books, so I was boring pretty much," I say, trying to laugh through the bad memory.

"I didn't know that," Harry says as he looks at me softly.

"No one did, but that's why I loved being mates with you, we didn't talk about anything, we just made fun of each other," I say as I turn and look at him.

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