8 | the park

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We walk along in a line, looking for somewhere to go. I spot a kids play park a bit further up, there's no one in it as it's so early still.

"I bet, I can make it to the park before all of yous," I say with a smirk as I walk ahead slightly, before turning and walking backwards, facing all of them.

"No chance," Louis says cockily.

"Nah fuck off you were in the running team in school," Harry says instantly.

"How do you remember all this stuff?" I ask confused, be just shrugs and Liam and Zayn smirk at each other.

"Fine then, if you wanna loose to a girl that's fine" I stop walking and everyone stands in a line.

"Right, jeez," Harry stands, prepared to run.

"On your marks... get set," I pause, everyone ready to start sprinting. "Go!" I shout, my legs start carrying me quickly towards the park, it's a good hundred meters away. Louis and Harry take the lead, with me just behind them, Louis starts to slow down until it's just me and Harry neck and neck. He glances sideways and sees me so close.

He starts to speed up but so do I. Then, I start to over take him. Until I touch the green fence first. I turn and see everyone else crash into the gate.

"How did you...?" Louis pants as he looks at me.

"I told you, schools top sprinter," I say, with a bow.

"Anyway, let's go in then," Harry says as he pushes the gate open. I straight away run for the swings, but so does Niall and Harry. I end up reaching the swing just after Harry and before Niall.

"Suck it blondie," I say with a smile. He rolls his eyes and shrugs.

"Fine then," he walks over and sits on my lap. I start laughing and begin swinging back and forth with him on my knee.

"Am I too heavy," he says as we laugh, I shake my head. He practically weighs nothing.

"Your good," I say, before pushing off the ground and making us go higher. A few clicks and flashes go off some where and I look round.

"Get the fuck out of here, and don't invite your mates round or I'll get the police on you," Louis shouts at the camera. The man slinks down, running away quickly.

"They are weird," I mutter and Niall nods.

"I'm gonna get off, gonna go annoy Liam for a bit," Niall says before jumping off and running away. Me and Harry swing in silence. I would have thought the silence would have been uncomfortable, and feel like I need to fill it with an insult or something, but it was actually quite nice. I hadn't had a minutes quiet since I joined.

Me an Harry swing in sync for a while, watching and laughing as the other boys got caught up in wrestling matches.

"You nervous?" Harry asks, breaking the silence.

"A bit, mostly excited," I say, looking at him. He nods and looks back in front of him.

"I was thinking," he says before taking a small pause.

"That's brave of you," I say with a laugh, he glanced at me, trying to hide his smile.

"I was thinking,maybe after these couple shows, we should go back home, and we could go see everyone." He says as his eyes never leave mine.

"There's bit really anyone for me to see, my mum, let's be honest, she doesn't give a shit about me. Jamie's in America and it's not like I want to see my actual family," I say as I break eye contact and look ahead of me, watching the roundabout slowly turn in its own.

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