18 | hungover

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My eyes open as a spike goes right through my skull. I look down and see Niall sitting against the bed, his phone in his hand. "Niall?" I mumble as he looks up at me.

"How long have you been there?" I ask him as he shrugs.

"A few hours, all of us took turns each watching you, we all thought you were gonna be sick in your sleep and choke," he says as he turns his whole body round to see me properly.

"Really? I was that drunk?" I say as I run my temples before sitting up right.

"You are great when your drunk, and you have a high tolerance, you drank half the bar," he says with a laugh.

"Shhhh, to loud," I say as my head pierces again.   "I don't remember anything from last night," I groan as I squint my eyes in the light.

"You called me ugly, made Louis tell you that you were like his brother and was sitting with Harry for a while after forcing Zayn to dance with you," Niall says with a laugh, making me groan again.

"What did I say to Harry when I was sitting with him?" I ask scared I've said something stupid.

"I don't know, but he was in a great mood when we left," he shrugs. "Anyway, I'll let you get changed, Simon's coming over in like and hour hour," he says as he stands up and walks out the room, closing the door behind himself.

I drag myself out bed and stumble over to my wardrobe. I pull out a pair of baggy black joggers and a sports bra, before putting a zipper over it, leaving it open.

I walk down the stairs and hear the boys laughing in the kitchen. I walk in and push my way through to the cupboard where the pain killers are kept. I pop two out and swallow them with a gulp of Zayn's orange juice. Apple juice is superior by far.

"Oi," he says defensively and I shake my head.

"Quiet voices today," I say as I hold my finger to lips, before jumping up at the bar stool at the island, watching as Harry make breakfast.

"So how you doing beautiful," Louis says, with a smile.

"Hungover, incase you haven't noticed," I say with a small smile.

"You want food?" Harry says with a glance back at me. I nod with a smile.

"I'm making a fry up, I've got anything you want," he says as he looks back at the pan infront of him.

"Can I have some bacon," I ask and he nods with a smile. "Did yous actually sit and make sure I didn't die?" I ask looking between Liam and Niall, who both nod.

"Yeah you drank a lot, I'm surprised you didn't black out," Zayn says and I shrug.

"Nah, just built up a tolerance," I shrug and everyone nods.

A plate with a few bits of bacon gets placed in front of me. "Thanks," I say as I pick up my knife and fork and start eating. Niall and Louis are also eating next to me, making me feel less awkward.

"Simon's coming by soon," Liam says as he puts his plate in the dishwasher.

"Why?" I ask as I finish chewing.

"Dunno, something about the next album," he answers with a shrug.

"I get to write music," I say excitedly, ignoring the stabbing feeling from my head.

"I guess so yeah," Liam says with a smile at how excited I am.

"Oh my god, I need to start now," I say as I stand up and get very dizzy. I stumbling backwards slightly, making Louis put his hands out behind me, ready to catch me if he needs to.

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