"They won't try anything else and Chan graduates this year. I'm sure everyone will mellow out once he leaves." He stated firmly.

"Good." He wasn't my only concern. Him and Jisung were a match made in hell. We were stuck with Jisung for another year.

I left the conversation and reentered my room. When I noticed Hyunjin was fast asleep in my bed, I went down the hall to check on Jeongin, who was also fast asleep. I double checked his fever which had gone down since I had him take medicine before he fell back into his slumber.

I felt like a damn nanny. I walked into the living room. Seungmin was sitting on the couch, hugging his knees. I had reprimanded him pretty fucking harshly early and I didn't feel guilty one bit, but I knew he only followed in the footsteps of his hyungs. They were a bad influence on him. He would've been so much better off with different friends.

I didn't acknowledge him as I walked into the kitchen. I frozen in my steps when I saw Chan who was being quietly lectured by Changbin.

Chan looked over his shoulder at me, but didn't say a word in my direction before turning back to the anger brunette in front of him. I leaned against the threshold, trying not to listen in on their little conversation but I couldn't help but hear a few things.

"They aren't fucking toys Chan." I heard Changbin say quietly.

"I never said they were."

"Then stop with the fucking games. I'm done helping you play chess. People aren't fucking pawns. Until you get your attitude in check, we aren't friends."

"I don't need your friendship."

"Yea, but you need Seungmins."

There was silence and I looked back at Seungmin who I know noticed was also listening in on their conversation. I guess they weren't being as quiet as they were trying to be.

Minho and Jisung weren't downstairs, meaning they probably ended up going upstairs and crashing some time after the incident and before I got home.

Seungmin saw me looking at him and quickly turned his head away from me. He was just as upset as I was. From what I understand he was drunk off his ass, just playing along with whatever Chan said.

Chan and Jisung were the twisted ones of their little group. I honestly wished I would've warned Hyunjin sooner, but i didn't care about him before like I do now.

Chan walked right by me, approaching Seungmin who refused to even look at him. He stood there, waiting for the younger to acknowledge him with no luck. He huffed with anger before storming up the stairs.

I watched as Changbin approached the younger and wrapped an arm around the boy's shoulders.

"I didn't mean to do anything, I just thought we were playing a game." Seungmin whispered to Changbin but I heard him too. My observation prevailed, he was just Chan's little puppy.

Changbin continued to console to younger, whilst I stayed out where I was. I pulled out my phone and opened my email to send one of my thoughts concerning the rehousing to the headmistress and school board.

When I pressed send I heard footsteps coming back down the stairs and i stiffened. I suddenly became very away that I was guarding the hallway.

Jisung came down completely shirtless, rubbing sleep from his eyes. He didn't notice me as he stumble passed me into the kitchen. He searched the cabinet for coffee and set up the coffee pot to brew.

He turned around and almost jumped out of his skin. "Damn it, Felix. The fuck are you just standing there for?"

"Don't piss him off this morning, please." Changbin said entering from the living room, Seungmin following him like a little lost puppy that just found it's next home.

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