Chapter 5

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What the heck?

Noel's POV

YEAH! My own point of view!

Okay, lately I have noticed this weird behavior of my beloved friend Josh. Not the thing that involves his reaction on what I'm doing OKAY! It's just that we're two have contradicting personalities. He has this problem with looking at time. Maybe I should enroll him back to kindergarten or grade school. He keeps on telling me that he had been gone for an hour yet he just left me and came back for just less than 30 minutes. Weird eh? One example is when we attended the 95th anniversary of our school. I think that's when it all started. Another is when he went out for breakfast last week. Oh another is when we went to the beach yesterday. I saw him splashing sea water by himself and his all wet. I don't know but he acts very weird. Maybe I should confront him. Yeah that's right...

"Dude...Josh...Joshua Sanders!" I shouted onto his ears. He looked at me with a smile on his face.

"Ha? What were you saying?"

"Okay...dude listen up" I said and sat properly. He just looked at me and went back to his phone

"What are you looking at your phone?" I peeked to his phone.

"I'm looking at Kaira's pictures "

"Really? " I looked at his phone and saw ... trees?

"Dude are you nuts? I don't see Kaira on that trees" he looked at me with confusion written allover his face

"What? I don't understand what your saying." I saw a bit of anger in his eyes that pretty odd that his being angery at me with a just a petty thing

"Okay...just chill but do you really wanna know what's the truth?" He again looked at me and nodded

"Okay. Give me that" i snatched his phone out of his hands

"Hey!" He tried to get it back but i refused

"Dude, you said you wanted to know the truth. Right?"

"Yeah, but give me back my phone"

"No. Unless you listen to me with your full attention " he sighed and nodded again

"Okay" he said.

"Let's start with this weird behavior of yours."

"What behavior? "

"The thing when it comes with time. And the odd thing is..."

"Is what?" Something ran on my head but it's really a crazy idea.

"Oh nothing. Let me continue. You always seem to be very jolly at times and..." he cut me off

"Yes I'm very very happy specially when I meet up with Kaira." Hr said whilr nodding his head many times like a dog

" down doggie " I said and patted his head

"Hey idiot! Im not a dog" he said

"Just listen will you." I said letting him realize that I'm dead serious now.

"And with that thing with Kaira. You always said that you have been seeing her? And you don't even think that why after all this years she suddenly showed up and not even saying hi to your best friend?!

"Hahahahaha!" He burst out in laughter


"Dude...*still laughing* are you jealous? " WHAT! I hit him on the head with a pillow

"Idiot. I'm not. And can you please stop laughing I'm dead serious here." I said sarcastically

"Okay okay... but that was funny" im not a clown to make him laugh im serious here. And I'm getting impatient

"Listen up! If you want me to continue just zip your fucking mouth!" He stopped and stared at me

"There. My point is... your getting crazy everytime you said your with her. Look at this pictures " i shown him his phone with the pictures he said that Kaira was.

"Oh? What's with the pictures? "

"Dude there's no Kaira in it. Are you blind?"

"I'm not blind! Maybe you are" he said and I felt traces of anger in every word he said

"Okay. Won't believe me. The watch this" I thrown him my flashdrive and stormed out the room. Idiot!

Josh's POV

What's his problem? I took his flashdrive and put it on my laptop. I was thinking... i didn't much understood what he said to me. One folder was on his flashdrive. I put the pointer of my laptop on it, but why am I hesitant to open the file?

Someone's POV

Maybe it's time to be free and let go of the past. We can't bring her back.

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