Yan Jiang's eyes were calm and didn't say anything.

Qi Meifu Zhixin on the far right opened her mouth and said: "This is the decisive lineup three years ago..."

When the voice fell, countless people followed their scalp and became soggy.

Brother Zui and sister Qi couldn't hide their surprise on their faces. The informed audience at the venue stayed stunned. The live broadcast room was relatively simple and rude, and the screen was full of tears.

Only Wei Xiao and Yan Jiang, these two are considered parties, but one is smiling, the other is calm.

All expected.

Death knight, shadow thief, fairy warlock, rain hunter and medicine warlock.

This is the lineup used in the final game of the Team of Gods three years ago, and it is also their respective talents.

The championship of that year's Finals was derived from these five talents.

The Team of Gods was born in infinite glory, and fell in an instant, leaving only the past few stars.

All of the four talents that Close took out were on the field except for Medicine Warlock.

Yuan Ze's death knight.

Xie He's fairy warlock.

Kim Sung Hyun's hunter in the rain.

Close your own shadow thief.

A medicinal warlock who will definitely use in the team match Y1.

The once Team of Gods, belated farewell.

What do fans who think of these do not understand?

This single player Close waited for three years.

The former teammates finally put down their burdens and battled the arena.

Not a teammate, but an opponent.

Under the glory, they are still there.

Brother Mouth was a little choked, and couldn't comment on Close's talent choice.

Even if there is no battery life, he believes that Close can play the most exciting matchup.

Close never disappointed everyone!

Who would dare to think that Wei Xiao was crazy to control the rhythm. Seeing that his emotions were a little broken, he changed the subject and asked Xiang Yan Jiang, "Captain Yan, can you talk about the talent choice of God Hai?"

Yan Jiang paused.

Brother Zui quickly calmed down and looked at Yan Jiang together.

Fans who are familiar with Yan Jiang already have the answer in their minds at this moment. Captain Yan must have given those three words, no need to think about it, 100%-I don't know.


Yan Jiang: "Dead Cavalry, Blood Thief, Snitch and God Fight."


Woj, so cooperate?

Answer all questions?

Miss Yan is really willing to sit on the commentary stand!

The expression of the fans at this time is like the comet hitting the earth, billions of bewildered.

Brother Zui was also a little surprised. He thought he would touch a nail, but he didn't expect to actually say it, so he quickly commented on this set of talents, thinking that Hai is very stable.

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