The King's Obsession [Episode 42]

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Myungsoo: This place isn't safe for you, Y/n. You've to come with me

Y/n: No! I don't want to!

Guard: Yah! He's there!

-Myungsoo and you started to run towards the place where secret exit was hidden.

You screamed in pain as one of the gaurds hit your shoulder with arrow. You dropped down on your knees as the blood started to flow from the wound. Myungsoo: Y/n-ah, are you okay?!

Myungsoo quickly pulled the arrow from your flesh and picked you up in a bridal way. His heart skipped a beat when he saw his love watching him from the distant.

Myungsoo: L-lisa?!

-Myungsoo tried to walk towards her but he saw guards coming from her direction.

Myungsoo had no choice but to change his direction and he entered into the secret tunnel and closed the door.

Sehun: Break the door!!

Taehyung glared at the smirking King. Jimin: You are quite good at playing games, Taehyung. But don't forget that pride

and greed ends nowhere.

Suddenly the door flung opened revealing a panicked gaurd.

Guard: H-he escaped!!

King's heart dropped in his stomach and slowly got up from his seat.

Jimin: Who?

Guard: M-myungsoo.

Myungsoo: We saw him escaping from the tunnel with Y/n.

-His heart crushed in a moment when he mentioned Y/n.

Guard: A-and the eldest prince found dead in his cell, King.

-Now Taehyung's eyes widened in shock but he tried to compose his neutral face.

Taehyung: Checkmate!

-Taehyung whispered slowly but Jimin sure heard him.

Taehyung: I told you, Jimin. Never trust anyone.

-Jimin felt anger boiling in his blood.

Erica emerged in the room through door and glared at the King. Erica: He killed my son!!

She roared while tears brimming out of her eyes.

Erica: I told you that Daejeon girl is bad news!! I bet she's the one who helped her

brother to escape.

Jimin's heart broke into pieces. mind making him more angry.

Your promises about not leaving him flashed in his

The King turned towards the smirking prince. Jimin: I know that you carry a big role in this, Kim.

Taehyung: May be, may be not?

Taehyung: You may have victory by your side, but the game has always been mine and it always will be.

Taehyung: You will be always remembered for your victory in the history of Busan but I will be immortal and known for my influence and power.

Taehyung patted King's shoulder and smiled.

Taehyung: I will take my leave now.

Myungsoo panted while running through the woods. His shoulders were aching

as he carried you all the way long.

Y/n: S-stop, myungsoo-ah!

Y/n: Leave me here, Myungsoo! They will catch you soon if you kept running with this speed.

Myungsoo: I-I can't leave you here, Y/n-ah.

You rested your head on his chest. Y/n: Why are you running away from them?! - thought that Jimin really forgive you

Myungsoo stumbled on a huge boulder, making you fall down on the ground from his


Y/n: Ahhk!

-You groaned in pain as your shoulder was still bleeding.

Myungsoo: Get up, Y/n! They're coming. Y/n: N-no! You leave me here. Just go.

Guard: Yah! They're here.

-You quickly pulled your dagger and threw against the gaurd.

The dagger pierced through his flesh, knocking him down on the floor. You pulled out

Myungsoo's sword which he stole from one of the guard earlier. One of the guard charged towards you with his sword, but before he could hit you, you already stabbed your sword in his stomach.

Y/n: Just go, Myungsoo!

Myungsoo nodded his head and started to run away. You also started to run in different direction as you can't protect yourself with your injured hand.

You leaned against the bark of tree as your energy was almost drained by running few miles. You looked at the few guards surrounding you. Y/n: I-it wasn't my fault!

Guard: Kill her!

-One of the guard swing his sword towards you but you blocked it with your saber.


-You put your whole strength in blocking his sword which was about to slice your throat.

Taehyung: Let her go!

The guard withdrew his sword from you and turned towards the prince. Guard: You're taking the side of a traitor?!

Taehyung pulled out his saber and smirked.

Taehyung: I don't have time to explain you.

-Taehyung sliced his throat, making his body dropped down on the ground.

The guards attacked him once at a time. But Taehyung as a great warrior finished every one of them within a moment.

Taehyung walked near you who was on the verge of blacking out. Your bleeding hand lifted up your sword against the prince. Y/n: D-dont come near me.

But with a one swing, Taehyung pulled you closer making you to drop your sword.

Taehyung: So rebellious, Y/n. Taehyung: You don't have any idea for how many days I waited for this moment to come.

-He whispered in your ear, his lips pressing against it.

Taehyung lifted your weak body in a bridal way. Taehyung: I pity Jungkook and Jimin.

Taehyung: They always thought that they would win you. Jimin surely won you. But it doesn't matter who has the victory.

Taehyung: All that matter is who has the reward.

Jimin slammed his hand on the table. Jimin: How dare she betrayed me?!

Jimin: I once told her, that I can destroy everything just to bring her back. And I wasn't even kidding.

Jimin: I will bring her back. She has to end with me.

Jimin: She saw my love, my patience.

Jimin: Now she will see my anger.

Jimin: And I will kill Taehyung. He ruined my family.

Jimin: It doesn't matter who has the victory.

Jimin: All that matter is who suffers the most.

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