The King's Obsession [Episode 36]

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Tears filled in your eyes when he remained silent

. Y/n: I got your answer. You will still chose a dead girl over me

Jimin: She's not dead, Y/n!!

Y/n: *scoff* So, you were searching for her all this time while having a romance with me?

-Jimin closed his eyes in frustration and let out a frustrated sigh.

Y/n: If she's alive then all the pain you gave to my brother was useless. Jimin: He tried to kill her

Y/n: He tried to kill her and he killed her. There's a big difference. His punishment was more curel than a punishment Busan gives to a murderer. You tortured my brother

for whole three years because she was your love.

You got up from his laps and took your clothes and went out of his room after wearing them. Jimin: Y/n?! Listen to me!

Jimin slammed his fist on the table.

Jimin: Why she can't understand?!

Next day

Catholic church

You looked down, feeling awkward as everyone's stares were at you. Hana: Don't get bothered by these rich people's stares, Y/n.

-Hana whispered in your ear and smiled.

You looked away as the King of Daegu glanced at you.

Hana: He must be feeling jealous that you rejected his son. Our King is more nice

than that rude prince.

Y/n: King of Busan is a dickhead!

Hana: *chuckled* The dickhead who made you to limp for a whole day. You're still limping though.

-You looked at Hana in disbelief.

Hana: What? Don't look at me like that. The King confessed in Rose's funeral that you were in his room for the whole night when some royal members suspected you.

You cleared your throat and looked away from Hana. Y/n: Now what's the point? He is marrying Jennie. Hana: I guess he will do something to stop wedding.

Y/n: Where is Jungkook?

Hana: The superiors told him to remain in his room. As Jennie is love with him, they

don't want Jungkook near Jennie.

Y/n: Poor her. I hate these royal people. Hana: *chuckled* Who does not?

The huge door of the church opened when the bride in her white gown came in with her father. Hana: She looks so pretty. I envy Jungkook, she loves that dickhead.

You bite your lower lip and looked at Jimin as he blankly stared at Jennie who was walking towards him. Queen Erica smirked proudly and glared at you which you failed to notice it.

Jimin glanced at Namjoon and Namjoon nodded his head.

Namjoon: I already gave the pills to bride. She will soon faint and wont wake up for almost whole day.

Jennie: I swear to god, I will eat the poisonous diamond of my ring if you won't stop

the wedding. King. -Jennie whispered to the King as she reached near him.

Jimin: You won't do anything stupid, princess. Trust me

-Jennie nodded her head and they both faced the priest.

Namjoon gulped and looked down feeling guilty. He grabbed his left hand as it started to shake vigorously. Namjoon: I am s-sorry, my lord.

-He whispered.

Time skips

Priest: The King of Busan, Park Jimin, do you take Princess of Daegu, Jennie Kim as your wedded wife?

-Jimin looked at Namjoon in confusion.

"Why didn't she faint till now?"

Queen Erica smiled proudly as he looked at her son.

Erica: Son, say something...

Hana grabbed your hand as you were about to go out of the church. Hana: W-where are you going?

Y/n: I-I can't! I can't see him being with someone.

Jimin glanced at you. His eyes locked with your teary ones.

Priest: King Jimin?

-The priest tried to avert King's attention towards him.

Taehyung: Hurry up, King. We ain't have enough time.

-Taehyung glanced at you as he followed King's gaze.

Taehyung: You know about our deal, don't you?

-King glared at the smirking prince.

Jennie looked at the King with her teary eyes and shook her head. Jennie: P-please, save me....

Jimin: I don't have any other choice, princess.

Preist: My lord, do you take princess Jennie as your wedded wife?

Jimin: *sighs* I do.

Your heart shattered into pieces. Hana grabbed your waist as you're about to fall

down like a rag doll.

-Jennie looked at the King and gulped.

Priest: Princess of Daegu, Jennie Kim, do you take the King of Busan, Park Jimin as your wedded husband?

The door of the church flung opened making everyone to turn back. Jimin's eyes widened when he saw Sehun, his vice commander standing at the door, panting heavily as he came running to the church.

Almost everyone's heart stopped for a moment when the commander pulled someone in the frame. Everybody stood up, they couldn't believe their own eyes.

Taehyung and Erica exchanged their stares and then glanced at towards the person who was standing next to Sehun. Your breathe stopped for a moment when you saw your worst nightmare infront of you.

Sehun: Wedding won't be continued as the long lost fiancee of the King Jimin is back.

Sehun: Lalisa Manoban is back!

Lisa: Princess Jennie can't marry him as his fiancee, his love is back. Jennie: *rolled her eyes* As if I wanted to marry him.

-Jennie muttered.

Lisa glanced at shocked you.

Lisa: He's mine.

You felt anger boiling in your blood as her intimidating glares tackled with yours. Y/n: He's already mine.

-You mumbled but Lisa and Hana sure heard you.

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