Chapter 3: True Colours!

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Ace woke up alone the next morning not sure what to think about last night, it was easily on the hottest nights of his life and it came by the hands of Toni Storm, literally.

Ace: Well, damn she just used me...

Ace sat up letting the sheet fall off his still naked body, Ace looked around making sure she did ghost him in the middle of the night and she was nowhere to be seen and her clothes from last night were gone.

Ace: ... Sweet!

Ace is only 27 and a relationship isn't what he's looking for right now, so the fact that she clearly isn't looking for one as well made him happy that he didn't have to tell her he didn't want a relationship, that shit's awkward.

Ace got out the bed with a skip in his step, he's 5 - 0 at parties and still a free man, Ace picked up his cellphone that ended up on the floor by the Tv somehow and went into the bathroom, Ace likes listening to music during his morning shower, it gets him pumped for the day...

... Ace played the music at full volume and walked back out to get a clean pair of boxers, Ace got washed and ready for the day ahead, he's just going to go back to Devon, see a few friends he hasn't seen in a while and all that cool stuff.

Ace enjoyed the hot water from the shower as the events from last night are still fresh in his mind, not a bad memory to have right, Ace got cleaned and out the shower, he cut off the music and messaged his mom that he's coming home and should be there by tonight, Ace loves his mama's cooking.

Ace was welcomed back as Lori told him she'll make his favorite when he gets back and she has a surprise for him, Ace didn't know what it could possible be and just forgot about it while he got dressed, Ace has his own style and it's a little unorthodox but he doesn't care...

 Ace booked a flight for later on in the day and figured that he'd pack now, relax watching Tv, why not right seems pretty chill, that all changed though when a knock came to his door, Ace put his bag on the floor and opened the door to see his ne...

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... Ace booked a flight for later on in the day and figured that he'd pack now, relax watching Tv, why not right seems pretty chill, that all changed though when a knock came to his door, Ace put his bag on the floor and opened the door to see his new tag partner and a few others.

Duncan: Hey, you hungry?



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