Chapter 10: Breaking Down His Walls!

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Toni woke up first the next morning to a slight sourness but her legs and her ass, Ace could be a little rough but she likes it that way, her ex husband never made her feel like this and it's giving her a warm tingle in her stomach.

Toni looked up to Ace from her resting place on his chest to see he's still asleep. he looked calm and peaceful, she just couldn't help but wonder what made him act like that last night, not that she's complaining.

Toni got comfy with his left arm wrapped around her, Toni placed her left thigh over his waist and pulled him as close as she can while she felt Ace's hand rest on her butt, it just gave Toni another thing to smile about while she closed her eyes happy with the way her life has turned out, Toni let his hands hold her while she fell back asleep thinking about what the future could hold...


Ace was the next one to wake up about an hour after Toni did, Ace looked around the room and then to his left where Toni slept, he wasn't happy about what they did last night but he wasn't disappointed either.

Ace: Try not to screw this up.

Ace sighed sitting up from the bed while struggling to get out of Toni's grip, he found it quite adorable she didn't want to let go of him, Ace wasn't an idiot and knew she has a crush on him, he just doesn't think he'll be a good guy for her.

Ace: ... Where's my shirt?

Ace asked looking around the room trying to find his clothes, his attention was drawn to the bed though when he heard Toni clear her throat and saw her wearing his shirt.

Ace: That answers that.

Ace got up and started to put his clothes back on as Toni watched him, Ace is going back home to see Ariana during this short brake.

Toni: How's your shoulder?

Toni asked sitting up just as Ace buttoned up his jeans and looked over to her, Ace couldn't lie, she is beautiful and her accent is kinda hot, Ace just has too much baggage and she deserves better.

Ace: We really need to talk...

Ace sat on the bed just in front of her as his shirt covered her top half and the covers kept, probably her bare lower half, warm.

Ace: ... You can do so much better then me.

This is an easy conversation for Ace, he's been having this talk near 7 times a week for the past 10 years, it's like breathing to him at this point.

Ace: You are really cool and I can't say there isn't something special about you because there is. You just deserve better then me.

Okay, maybe he hasn't said that to a girl before but he does like Toni, he likes her a lot, a lot more then the others he's slept with and considering how many women he's had sex with, it's really a compliment.

Toni: Don't I get to at least see if you're good for me?

She asked not liking where this conversation is going, she just wants to be with Ace more then they already are, the sex is phenomenal but she wants something more then just casual sex.

Ace: I suppose...

Ace sighed thinking about it, he can't tell her what she's ready with or what she can and can't handle, there is a small tiny problem on his behalf.

Ace: ... I just...

Ace looked away from her and down to her lap where her hands are rested, Ace sat up from leaning on his left arm and thought about everything he's keeping to himself, his friends don't even know he's adopted.

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