Chapter 5: The Score's Debut!

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... Today's the day all the buzz is about and Ace's debut for AEW and "The Score's" debut, former World Champion Duncan Blake and Indi Star, Ace, teaming up under the mentorship of Christian Cage just sounds like a great team.

Carol: These are great seats...

Carol, David, Lori and Ariana made it to Allentown and to the small arena that holds around 10,000 strong, their excited to see Ace in action as is most of the people here considering this is a few miles away from Devon.

Carol: ... Front row.

Carol pointed out sitting with Ariana to her right, David to hers and Lori on his all while Ace just got into the men's locker room and didn't seem welcome.

Austin: There's the asshole.

Austin said in a mocking tone, Ace would never say he's not an asshole but spending the passed few days with Ariana and his family has made he see a little more clearly on his actions.

Ace: What have I done now?

Ace asked putting his bag down while apparently everyone in the men's locker knew what he's done except him.

Duncan: You broke Toni's heart...

Ace pulled his shirt off showing the room his tattoo, they only saw it at the party about a week ago, Ace just had one question.

Ace: Who's Toni...?

Ace really isn't the most popular guy in the locker room right now as he thought about it and then remembered who it was just before Duncan was about to break him.

Ace: ... Oh Toni! What I do to her?

Ace asked really not knowing what he did wrong while everyone got ready for the show ahead.

Austin: She left you a note the morning you too had your fun.

Ace looked to Austin baffled by this as everyone was looking to Ace like a dear in headlights thinking he is the spawn of Satan.

Ace: What are you talking about?

They all looked to Ace and yes he's a lying asshat but they could all tell that he wasn't lying about this, either Toni didn't leave a note like she said or Ace didn't see it.

Ace: First. Who leaves a note it's 2022? And second. There was no note in that room...

Ace stated as a mater of fact and he was clearly telling the truth, he's good at lying but sometimes you can just tell when someone's telling the truth.

Ace: ... So she didn't know it was a one night thing...?

Ace asked mainly Austin and Duncan as they both shook their heads "No", Austin's not performing tonight but his girlfriend Brittany is, he's just here to see old friends and watch his girl kick ass.

Ace: ... And she saw me leave with that cute blonde girl at the diner...

They both nodded to him as for once in his life Ace actually felt bad, every time he slept with someone they were always told on where the relationship lies but Toni didn't get that luxury.

Ace: ... I'll talk to her.

The men are actually surprised by the fact he's willing to do that, they went back to general conversation while Ace thought about what he was going to say to Toni but before he went out, he needed to use the bathroom, number one rule always go before you go out, it can get messy if you don't.

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