Chapter 13: Troubled Times!

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A large crowed stood around the burning Hicks home while waiting for the firefighters to get here, Toni's standing on the lawn waiting for Ace to hopefully come out safely.

Ariana: Are they gonna be okay?

Toni didn't look to her as she just pulled her into a hug giving Ariana a spot to cry on, she couldn't answer her, not until Ace came back out with someone in his arms carrying them bridal style.

Ace got to a clearing on the lawn and layed Carol down as she coughed the smoke out her lungs.

Ace: Where's my mom and dad!?

Ace asked her, Toni and Ariana made their way over to them while Ace took his jacket off and through it to the side.

Carol: ... Upstairs...

She managed to get out, Ace pulled his shirt off and ripped a piece off tying it around his nose and mouth keeping him from breathing in the smoke.

Toni: Ace! Wait!

He didn't though and ran back into the burning home trying to get him mother and father out, Ariana hugged Carol thanking her luckily stars she's okay, Carol held the crying 7 year old in her arms while watching and waiting.

Ariana: Where are they?

She asked worried for her family but they couldn't answer, all they could do was watch worried about their safety, that was until Ace came back out the door holding Lori in his arms, Ace laid her one the gowned near Carol.

Ace didn't wait for them, he panted a few times before running back in this time he was stopped by the front porch collapsing stopping anyone from going into the house, Ace stood up ripping of the ripped shirt from his face showing the line where the shirt was sitting.

Ariana: Ace!

Ace snapped out of his thoughts about not getting to his father and realised his mother is out but not breathing, he picked up his crying sister coughing himself, he got a lot of smoke while getting Lori and Carol out, Ace couldn't do much more though and sat on the grass keeping Ariana out the way of the paramedics as they checked on both Carol and Lori, Ace waved off the medical attention till later, he can wait.

Toni sat by him just as the paramedics and firefighters got here, Ace sat crossed legged holding Ariana to his chest feeling her tears hit his bare chest.

Toni: Are you okay?

Ace didn't answer and just panted looking to his still unconscious mom as they gave her CPR, Toni wasn't honestly expecting an answer so she just hugged him and Ariana while waiting for the firefighters to put out the fire...


 Ace is sat in an hospital room with an oxygen tank helping him get more oxygen back into his lungs and helping him cough out the smoke, Toni is sat nearby with the still heartbroken Ariana now curled up on her lap crying to the fact their mother still hasn't woke up.

Ace: Where's my mom?

Ace asked worried but it was coming off as aggressive, Ace didn't mean to sound angered he just want's to know he wasn't to slow and saved at least one of his parents, Ace already hates himself for not saving his father, he just needs this win.

Doctor: She's on the operating table, they've removed the smoke from her lungs and are working on resuscitation. I need you to relax.

Toni was hoping Ace would take the doctors orders but that wasn't to be and Ace flipped out about how can he be calm in this moment, Ace and Ariana have just gone through a highly traumatic episode, Toni's trying to make Ariana feel comforted the best she can, all while Carol was given something to help her sleep off the trauma from this event.

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