"Thanks hyung

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"Thanks hyung." "Thanks dude."

They then left to head over to Kingdom Sapphire. The announcement wouldn't start for another few hours but they were heading there earlier so all the princes could hang out beforehand.

*Time skip to their arrival*

When they arrived they were greeted by many servants and the king of Kingdom Sapphire."Nice to see you guys again. Hello there Hangyeol." "Hi Junghoon. Are the others here already?" "No we're still waiting on King Minjun, Queen Areum, and their boys." As they continued to talk the brothers started to go look for their friends.

"I'll bet you the reason they're late is because of Minghao." Chan states as soon as they start walking away. "I wouldn't be surprised."

They find their friends near the stairs in the center of the room all talking amongst themselves. "Hey guys." "Wow you guys aren't as late as I thought you'd be." "Oh please the late ones are always Seungkwan and Minghao." "Yeah true."

"Speak of the devil." They turn to the entrance to see Minghao and Seungkwan with their parents.

"Fashionably late as always." "Seungcheol says when the other 2 princes join them. "Blame him." Seungkwan states pointing at Minhgao. "He took his sweet ass time getting ready this morning."

King Junghoon made his way over to the princes, "How are you boys doing? You guys ready for the announcement tonight? You boys' suits look really nice."

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"Thanks dad

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"Thanks dad. I'm sure we're all excited for the announcement later." Jeonghan says speaking for the whole group. "That's good to hear. Well I'm going to go greet more guests, you boys can go back to your conversation."

"Your dad is certainly cheerful today." "A chance to throw a huge party? He would never pass that up." Joshua says laughing.

"Sounds like our mother." Minghao chimes in. "She's the exact same way with parties." "Yeah we know." Seokmin says chuckling. " We've seen how she's reacted whenever we say there's gonna be a party." "Yeah I know."

They continued chatting until Seungcheol and Jeonghan decided to go talk to the guests. Then they all went into their own little separate groups to talk to guests themselves.

Seokmin saw Joshua alone away from everyone else so he decided that now would be his chance to be alone with him.

"Hey. Can I speak to you for a moment?" Seokmin asks as he approaches Joshua.

"Oh uhm sure." Joshua says as he follows the younger outside.

Seokmin led him towards the rose garden in the middle of the kingdom.

"Why did you want to come out here all of a sudden?" "Well you looked lonely and your brother said that the rose garden is one of your favorite places in the kingdom so I brought you here so you weren't in that crowded room." "Well thank you because I did want to get out of there." "Then you're welcome."

They walked in silence for a while until Seokmin finally got the courage to say something. *Okay here goes nothing* "Hey. Can I tell you something?" "Huh? Yeah sure. What is it?"

"I like you."

hehe cliffhanger :)

I'll see you guys in the next chapter!


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