The Party

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"Yeah?" Shanks walks over to Luffy in the closet "my shirts to smaaaaall" shanks chuckled at her little pout, "wear some of my shirts till I can buy u more red shirts ok?" She nodded and walked over to shanks and hugged him "thank you"
"Np luff" Luffy grabbed one of shanks shirts and put it on "u look so cuuute!" SHe made a flustered little pout "do not!" Shanks laughed and walked over to Luffy and held her waist, "u do to~" Luffy turned around, "really? If I look cute in this apparently u look hot in them?" Shanks made a proud face "hell yea!" Luffy laughed "what time is the party again?" Shanks looked at the clock- "it's not till- another 5 hours"
"Ok- so for thoes hours I was thinking we cou" someone (smoker) pushed shanks into the closet fully and locked it but not only that shanks fell ontop of Luffy kissing her so as shanks broke the kiss they both got up and tried to open the door, "SMOKER I WILL KILL YOU IF U DONT LET US OUT?!" Shanks and Luffy both were still tiered and didn't want to deal with this right now so Luffy kicked the door and the right strength not to break it but to knock smoker over so they could get out- "FREEDOM!" Smoker looked as if that was stupid "u weren't even in there for an hour and u say freedom"
"Don't judge me..." he rolled his eyes and was off- "now- continue what u were saying?" Luffy nodds "as I was saying I think we deserve an hour nap- or 3? Ooooor~ we can go early?"
"I say sleep" Luffy nodded and the bed and jumped in, shanks flopped onto the bed so Luffy crawled to him and bopped his nose. "Hahaha- get over here!" Luffy made her most dramatic no "nuuuuuuuuu! I can't! Not till I get a real kiss!" Shanks rolled his eyes and sat up on the bed infront of Luffy "if you want I kiss I suggest u sit down~" Luffy sat on shanks lap facing him, shanks leand in and kissed her softly but still passionately causing her to melt into the kiss putting her arms around shanks neck "mmmh~" she wraps her legs around his waist and put her body on his as shanks hands roamed her body freely they broke the kiss for air before shanks but her lip as she opened her mouth letting him use his tongue on her
letting him roam her mouth making her moan here and there when he got to a sensitive spot in her mouth. Shanks broke the kiss not wanting to go to far- "happy cutie?" They were both panting out of breath, Luffy nods and directly goes to snuggling Into shanks chest makeing him laugh a bit, "I love you shanksss~" shanks kisses the top of her head and flops down on his back "love u to luff~."
They both fall asleep,

3 hours later

Shanks wakes up and looks at the clock- "SHIT- LUFF GET UP WE GATA GET READY OR WERE GANA BE LATE!" Shanks throws Luffy off him "AH!" She gets up as they both run to the closet to find clothes, shanks grabs a shirt and pants and runs into the bathroom while Luffy takes her clothes off and puts a red and black dress on. "Damn it!" Shanks walks out of the bathroom wearing his normal white shirt and pants (yes Luffy convinced him to button his shirt up since she doesn't want anyone else looking at her man) "what's wrong?" She pointed to her zipper "can't reach it" shanks understands and zips it for her "there now let's go get ur crew!" Shanks grabs luffys hand and once they get to the door of the bunker, "wait! We forgot our black coats!" He runs back to grab them, coming back he throws his coat on himself and carefully puts luffys on her "alright let's go" as shanks opens the door luffys covers herself with a coat since she doesn't want anyone to see her in a dress (especially sanji) once they got to the sunny and on it sanji walked over to Luffy, "captain! U should hold onto something! Frank's gana do the thing again so we get there faster!" This wasn't cause he was a simp cause he saw shanks there so he had to hold back from simping he ran back to the railing so shanks picked Luffy up and also walked over to the railing and put her down. "Here just hold onto me!" She did exactly that and hid inside shanks coat as they went flying. She looked out over the railing and saw they were still in the air so she turned around and hugged shanks torso hideing her face , "we're landing!" Thunk- "we've landed!" Luffy let's go of shanks and turns around seeing they are on the sea again she sighed relaxed and covered her body with her coat again... "Zoro!" The Marimo looked at his captain "yes ma'am?"
"Go sleep in ur bed- and stop sleeping on the floor!" Zoro laughed "yes captain" he got up and walked over to her and patted her head before going to the rooms, "is that normal for them to pat ur head luff?" She nodded and chuckled, "it's just something they do instead of a hug" shanks nodded and smiled before hugging Luffy and kissing her head makeing her laugh a little "shaaanks~" he laughed "whaaat? I can't kiss my own gf now?" They both laughed and hugged each other while sanji was getting attention from his gf aswell, (Nami yes I ship Nami and sanji) "when we get there will ace, sabo, Yamato, and the other yonkos be there?" Shanks nodded and smiled "cloe will also be there" Luffy smiled and kissed shanks on his cheek "what about teach?" It was obvious she said that out of scarce- "I don't know if he will be there or not but- if he is~ he wouldn't even recognize you!" Shanks takes his straw hat off his head and puts it on Luffy and takeing her hair and putting it on her left shoulder "see! Not even I can recognize u!" Luffy laughed shanks always knew how to make her feel better, "thanks hun"
"Np darling~" she hugged his torso again and kept her face in his chest while holding the straw hat behind his back. "Where here!" Nami screamed out "yay!" Chopper was excited he always wanted to go to one of these. Luffy checked the ships to see if black beards was there and sure enough it was..but they also say cloe's scary looking flag mark which did cheer them both up so Luffy finally stopped covering herself with her coat and left go of shanks and put the hat on and waited for them to dock.. once they docked they all walked off and into the pirate party hosted by non other than- Lin Lin. Luffy only went because he wanted to talk to the other yonkos (minus teach) about things all the others liked her since she was kinda and calm and helped them in the past. So Luffy grabbed shanks arm and dragged him over to the other yonkos "where are we going?!" Luffy held the hat on her head, "to the others!" Shanks knew what she ment and went with it, once they got to everyone she started planning the next pirate take down- "so I was planning why don't we all team up to take down teach?" Lin Lin agreed "he's a pest anyways" cloe finally appeared "did I miss something?"
"Ah cloe! I was just talking about takeing teach down as our next pirate take down!"
"I think u know my answer" she laughed "I'm gana agree with them he is he has no idea what power is!" Kaido rarely agreed with ideas so this was a bit shocking, "I say yes...for he betrayed my crew" white beard didn't sound happy, "I also agree..for...reasons.." shanks blurted out Luffy knew it was to make her happy "I agree to help aswell so in conclusion when should we attack?"
"I say us yonkos meet up with our crew at wano after some years of training to gain stronger at 6:00 to plan when to attack!" Cloe at this point sounded tierd but serious so Luffy nodded , "ok so 6:00, in 7 years, at wano!"
"Aye!" They finished right on time since teach just walked in Luffy ran to white beard and hid behind him as a sheild. Shanks walked over to white beard starting a conversation with him makeing a distraction for Luffy to run to him, she saw what he was doing to she ran to shanks and hid in his coat "poor girl..." shanks hugged her as she whimpered, "she's been through a lot...but she's getting better at dealing with it...oh and and me and her and gf and bf now!"
"GURARARARRA! Congratulations!" Everyone was confused at first "what are u two talking about?" Wb looked at the others smiling, "the brat has a gf finally!" Everyone congrulated him as he turned around he tryed Luffy to look at them, "can u pls let me gooo? I want mah hat" Luffy shook her head "luff! I need my hat stop hideing it!" She laughed at put it on his head, "there! Better?" Shanks patted her head and smiled before makeing her turn around to hug her from behind, "this is my gf!" Everyone was shocked while teach looked like he had a whole plan to get her from shanks, "U TWO STARTED DATEING AND NEVER TOLD ME" cloe sounded hurt, Luffy only laughed "sorry! U don't visit the island enough!" The only made her pout and luffy laughed. Shanks draged Luffy to the side and sat down with her on his lap and rested his head on hers. Teach had already left since it discusted him Luffy sighed before leaning into shanks, "so u two are actually together?" Luffy nodded as he heard cloe's laughing, her iconic laughter... "atleast no I know we just had to wait 3 months till u to finally did become bf and gf~" luffys rolled her eyes and laughed a bit before closeing her eyes to sleep, "hey shanks!"
"How DID u two meet?" Shanks just looked at Wb (Wb is short for white beard) "on her home's where I'm staying for a while longer before we both set sail with our crews.." they figured out the two liked eachother a while back, but now that they're together it made more sense to them. "Oh and I forgot to remind u all- if we are fighting teach...I can give u all a bit of a 'power boost'~" luffys looked at her confused. "What do u mean?" She chuckled "I mean I can lend each of u a bit my powers while fighting but afterwards I'll be taking it back~" everyone looked at her shocked- "u can do that!" Shanks yelled making her laugh again, "yes I can! And since we are gana battle a dumbass~ I thought it's a good idea to lend u bit of help!" Luffys imidatly agreed with no hesitation before scratching her head and pulling the hood over, "? Something wrong?" She looked at cloe- "ugh yea- it's bothering me agaaaain" cloe teleported in front of her standing "let me see" she nodded and took the hood off as cloe put her hand on her head- "ah- I thought u meant the tail- never mind- I can't help with that" she groaned before letting her ears pop up "u suuuuuck" cloe laughs "your fault~" she teleports back to where she was sitting as Luffy gets up and lets her tail come out as well as her nose changes as well as the hair color- "this is just annoying..." Everyone (minus shanks) was shocked until shanks stood up and did the same thing "oh cmon being a ultima can't be that bad right?" Luffy looked at him and pulled on his ear "OW OW OW" she let it go "WHY?" She laughed "cause that's what it felt like hiding my tail and ears" he was holding his ear before flicking his tail in her face "oh u did not do that" he smirks "I did"  she spins hitting his face with her tail- "take that sweet heart~" he landed on his back before sitting up and holding his cheek, "I deserved that one." Cloe stood up and held him up, "yes u did" Luffy laughed a bit, "your- wha- huh??" Was all was heard from the other yonkos as Luffy and shanks laughed at there reaction they jumped into the air turning shanks into a direwolf and Luffy as a ultima "we're a wolf human breed!" They turned back into a human waiting for close response "and I'm not even part human!" Luffy sighed "I think that was obvious" cloe only laughed before standing and turning into her normal form (which is actually kinda creepy) and floating "u sure?" Her voice was deep and scary Luffy ran and hid behind shanks "YEP DEFINITELY" everyone laughed at luffys reaction but deep down they were all scared of her real form- yes even's just fucking CREEPY-. Cloe turns back to her form of her pirate she always uses- "oh cmon it's not even that scary" Luffy poked her head out "TRUST ME- IT IS.. I HAD A FUCKING NIGHTMARE OF UR FORM MANY TIMES..." shanks slightly agreed along with the others, "maybe I should." Luffy run at her and covered her mouth "NO" she took her hand off as cloe laughed " I was JOKEING!" She rolled her eyes and walks back over to shanks crossing her arms eyes slit- she was mad so she went and hugged shanks "u ok now?" She nodded shanks just sighed and chuckled before hugging her back "u can hug me I guess." Wb, Lin Lin and cloe thought this was cute but kaido had no idea what he was doing but went with it cause why tf not!-

Ok ima stop here for now I'll make another chapter this is now a one shot book but- it's the same au

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