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The next day I woke up. It was a nice day and I squinted from the light through a crack in the curtain. Lark jumped up to swirl and showed me her dress.

"Isn't it pretty? Don't I look nice?"

"Yes, yes," I whispered groggily.

When I left the room Adalyn and Bernadette were waiting outside, hands folded like servants.

"Don't do that anymore," I said. The saw my eyes on their hands and both parted it quickly. "There's no more seniority here. You two aren't at my beck and call."

"Yes," the two answered.

"This dress was handmade," Adalyn added, stepped back for me to see her dress. I was surprise by Veronique's dress patterns and sewing talent. Both suited the two perfectly, not to mention Lark, too.

"Did you three thank her?" I asked.

"Yes! We made dinner with the vampire—the maid! Laurel is a vampire too!" Lark chirped.

"I heard, so what's her story?"

"She is a refuge from a vampire orphanage only vampire hunters know about. They are reformed with a supply of animal blood weekly or even monthly," Bernadette, my reliable source, said with her voice low. Her dust rose dress made her look fresh-faced and the lace collar was very dainty.

"I feel like we can trust her. Yves told her we were from Jardin, but she didn't know of our clan. Anyways, I suppose we will be getting the same. Animal blood," Adalyn sighed.

She was in a dark burgundy and her dress had a buttoned bodice and white undershirt. All very well-designed. They looked modern and I suppose I was a bit jealous I wasn't a young girl. Even my appearance showed I was an adult. I had to act as one.

"If that's so, I suppose we can stay here and get food and shelter." I had Uriel's blood, but I had to wean off it—or did I? As long as Uriel was alive and well why couldn't I take the blood he offered?

After all, he loved me.

"But the most important thing is Cecile and Dr.Gregoire are arriving today," Adalyn said, pulling me out of my room. "Come downstairs! They should come at night but it makes it worth waiting!"

"They are?" I asked, feeling jittery myself.

"Yes, a letter came. They should not be far off, it was outside Jardin. A postcard." Bernedette pointed downstairs. "I believe Yves has it. He will go and meet them where they are and bring them here."

I raced down, the girls hurrying after me.

"Is it true Cecile is coming?" I asked, and the three humans turned their heads towards me.

Veronique smiled and lifted her arms for a hug, but she smelled too strongly of roses, which should be obvious as she grew the things. I hugged her and then pulled back to look at Yves and Uriel. The two men exchanged looks before Yves hand moved slightly, like he was casually straightening his back, only I knew he never did that. 

"Sit," Yves said. In his hand was a postcard, and I pounced on him.

"Margery," Uriel cried.

"Let me see it! Cecile is my sister!" I grabbed Yves's wrist and he pulled back in defiance.

"Well, that's unfortunate because Dr.Gregoire wrote this!" Yves was twisting his hand in odd angles to pass it to his other hand, then I went for that one before I felt two arms pull me back.

"Don't be so unsightly, Marie."

I gasped as Laurel carried me from before Yves and around to a seat, I suppose for me, at the dining table.

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