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Yves was in my room the following days, eyes darting from Uriel to I like a prying guardian. He had, however, helped Uriel sketch the rifle, as he was much more familiar with one and their 'mechanisms'.

Yves would show me the special chambers of his Derosier rifle, which no one has yet gotten their hands of and known how to use properly. There were a lot of unnecessary little tricks, from opening the chamber to getting the trigger on and the aim correct.

"It's made of nearly pure silver to match its bullets. I clean it every two weeks, but I have been slacking recently."

"I could've kept watch if you needed."

"You, who spilled everything?" Yves snorted. "Back on topic, I'll have to teach you how to shoot, too."

"Why can't you just do it?" I asked.

"You want the clan to kill me so badly?"

"You're right," I sighed, "only I can do the deed and get away with it. But we need a reason."


I had certainly thought of it. Saying everything that was on my mind and making her ready to condemn me to the dungeon before I pulled out the rifle—but it didn't feel right.

"I will not kill her like that. I have questions that need to be answered."

"Like the other castle wings left unused and this 'matriarch' things?" Yves smirked. "No matter what, they aren't going in detail about Edith and her death. Plainly put, we believe Agnes killed her to overtake the clan."

"Of course I've thought of that," I whispered. "But there's just things that don't line up."


"I'll ask her when the time is right. So how will we have such a scenario so perfectly laid out?" I looked at the two, and Yves snapped his fingers while Uriel couldn't meet my eyes.

"Another gathering like that day! Maybe another human revolt? No, that'll take too much work to smother again. We need a calm gathering. The girls, preferably, all there to witness your innocence."

"We have such meetings often," I said. "The soonest is next time they ask about Primrose seducing Marcel."

It was never going to succeed. I had analyzed Marcel from one glance and knew he wasn't going to be one to 'love' hastily. He was a good person who would properly propose to a girl and then have her father's blessings before even a kiss took place.

For the past days Primrose had only been following Marcel, occasionally Karl with him, and they only ever nodded to her probing and insensitive questions.  But I, too, had 'failed' in a way. I looked at Uriel before me, eyes furrowed intensely as he studied the paper.

"Uriel, I'm surprised you weren't seduced. People say I can arouse the most pious priest."

Yves gagged. "Are you jesting? You never aroused me."

"You sure were flirting hard for someone who wasn't aroused, and one of the Derosier clan."

"It's called acting—"

"What a coincidence, you both said how you were acting, acting, acting," Uriel muttered.

"I was!" Yves said, exasperated. "Gregoire told me it was fine to some level so I decided to kid about. Marcel and Karl know too—or so I hope. You disappoint me, Uriel."

Uriel had a small smile before he sighed.

"I know. I know you best of everyone."

Yves stopped, wide-eyed. Then he leaned back in his chair, which was actually my chair, and then chuckled.

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