EP 66 - Lost & Found

Start from the beginning

Jin : No! We don't have any work ! I just wanna said that we want to take you to amusement park. That's all.

Y/N : Really?

You ask him again and he nod. You smile widely and jump around because you was too happy. You hop to outside.

Hobu : Hurm...If you can't say no to her. None of us can.

Jin : Yah ! It's not that i can't... How can i say it when she look at me with those puppy eyes?

Suga : Oh my gosh, hyung. I can't believe it.

Jin : Then you say it to her.

Namjoon : That's enough, guys. Let's go. Our baby already waiting for us.

He said and all of them walk out from the house. They saw you already waiting inside the car. They hop into the car. They start to drive the car to the amusement park.

You jump out from the car when you guys arrive at the amusement park. You mouth was jar apart. You feel so happy got to go there.

You are about to run into the amusement park when one of your brother hold your hand. You turn around and saw Taehyung holding your arm. He shake his head.

Taehyung : Lets go.

They take you to play all the game. Riding the roller coaster. Get inside into the haunted house. You were thirsty but you didn't want to trouble your brother. So you sneak away from there slowly and look for the nearest store.

Hobi : Guys, where is Y/N?

They look around and didn't see you.

Jimin : Where did she go?

Jin : Let's split up.

The others rush to look around. They keep looking around in panicked. And once again, Jungkook lost his temper.

They gather at one place and about to look at the other side when they saw you sitting next to one guy.

You was drinking a drink. That guy looking at you with amusing face. He observe your face feature from the close view. But BTS got furious when they saw that guy.

Namjoon : Baby !

You look up and saw your brother. You jog to them. Jungkook quickly hug you and cup your face.

?? : Relax, boys. I didn't do anything.

Suga : Why are you here? What do you want?

?? : I just wanna see your baby. She's same like...

Suga : Shut the fuck off !

He growl angrily.

?? : I just come here to give a warn to you.

Namjoon : Warn?

?? : Always keep your baby with you. Who know when she will get missing.

Jimin : Yah !

?? : If it was not me, then someone else will do it. Don't forget that you guys have a lot of enemy. Have a baby sister like her, can bring a lot of opportunity to harm all of you.

Jin : Whose going to harm her?

?? : Your enemy, of course. You're a mafia but your baby sister is just a weak girl.

Jungkook : She's not weak. She have us.

?? : I can see that. I will excuse myself first. See you again, Min Y/N.

You are shocked as you look at him because you never told him your name. You pull Jungkook shirt a bit.

Y/N : Who is that?

You type on the phone.

Jungkook : Someone that we know. Where have you been?

Y/N : I'm thirsty so i go to buy a drink but that guy was so kind. He treat me this drink.

Hobi : Let's go home. You're must be tired, right.

You nod while walk away. You hop around and get inside the car. You feel so sleepy. You slowly drowsy to sleep.

Jimin slowly rest your head at his shoulder. He hold your small hand and caress it gently. Sometime he will kiss your head.

Jungkook carry you out from the car and take you to Jimin room. Jungkook mood was change drastically everytime you not around or someone try to hurt you. He walk to the gym and vent his anger there.

His hyung know him very well. Jungkook is the type of protective. He will protect the things or someone that he adore and love. He willing to kill people just for their safety. 

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