Chapter 53: D

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The day finished and I was being dropped off at my place so that I could grab clothes to wear while I stayed with Marco.

He promised to wait by the door.

I walked inside and saw Nikki in the kitchen and eating a bowl of fruit.

"Hi," she greeted and ate a watermelon piece.
"I need help." I stated.
"Okay? With what?"
"Well, for one, I'm spending the night at his place."
"It was his idea. I kind of just accepted."
"Okay...and what else?"
"He told me he likes me. And I brought up my concern with that and he said it's not my body that attracts him to me, he's met women with nice bodies, bodies aren't enough."
"And, you know, that kind of made me feel relieved."
"Well, do you believe him?"
"I do..."
"Can I ask why?"
"He's nice to me..."

"No, I know that sounds weird, but just hear me out. He's not a nice person. He isn't. At all. I don't know what he's been through that made him that way, but I've been working for him for about two months now and he is so mean to everyone. Men and women, it doesn't matter. But with me...he actually tries. I've gotten him to tell people please and thank you. He holds doors open for me. He holds umbrellas for me in the rain. He hugs me when I'm sad and will kiss my face and wipe my tears. He told me to call him when I get scared and to let him know if anyone bothers me." I explained.

She stood there and listened.

"When Josh told me he liked me he only complimented my body. It was all he brought up. I can't think of a single time that he held open a door for me. He'd hug me and it felt sexual, it didn't feel like he cared about whatever I was going through. He didn't ask if I was okay. He didn't wipe my tears. He was awkward and pat my shoulder then just asked for a hug. I somehow would feel more alone when I was with him. Nikki, I laid in nothing but one of Marco's t-shirts last night and he didn't make a move to try and sleep with me. He let me lay on his chest and I was completely bare besides that one shirt, but I still felt safe. I fell asleep without any worries and woke up to him attempting to make breakfast for us. Granted, he's not a very good chef but you should've seen how cute he looked when he tried."

"Okay..." she replied. "If you want to try again then okay."
"I think I do." I nodded.
"But if there is one more slip up, you cut him off. Completely. No other problems. The farthest he can go is forgetting to take the trash out. That's it," she argued.
"Yes, I agree completely."
"Good. Okay then. I guess you should start packing."

I smiled then hurried off to my room to gather what I'd want to wear.

Most of my things were already at his home since Nikki packed them. All I really had to gather was pajamas and work clothes for tomorrow.

I finished quickly so that we could leave then I walked out.

"Bye, Nikki! I'll see you tomorrow!" I shouted to her since she'd gone to her room.
"Okay! Have fun! Be careful! Love you!"
"Yes, ma'am! Love you too!" I snickered.

I walked out then headed in the direction of the parking garage.

When I got out of the door, Marco was glaring and I turned to see what he was looking at. There was a car pulling in.

"Give me your keys." Marco instructed.

I wondered why, but I still handed them to him.

I watched him put them in his hand then ball his fist with three keys poking out through his knuckles. The key to the apartment, the key to my car, and the extra key to my parents' house for emergencies.

The car parked and I saw who came out of it before Marco pulled me to stand behind him. He put his hands in his pockets and I rested my head on his back to stay hidden.

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