Chapter 24: Rain

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Once they fixed the door, Mr. De Luca went home to get ready and change then he returned and we finally left for work. But like usual, I didn't do much of anything. Except get him lunch and we ate together.

We sat outside this time and he wore his sunglasses.

"Why are you so against eating? I'd expect a man of your size to eat more than you do." I stated and took a bite of my sandwich.
"I have a lot of work to do."
"But still."
"Can you curse, yet?" he asked and took the last bite of his sandwich.
"I've cursed before. I'm not a baby."
"I don't think you're a baby."
"Then why do you keep asking if I curse?"
"Because I think you're a princess." he replied and ate a chip.
"I'm not a princess. I just don't curse unless it's necessary."
"You're prissy." I snapped back.
He just stared at me while eating another chip.

I don't know what prissy means.

"Are you finished?" he asked.
"Can I bring this with me?" I wondered and sipped my milkshake.
He didn't respond and although I can't see his eyes, I knew he rolled them before he stood up and walked away from me.
I snickered and threw away our trash before heading to the car with my milkshake.

We got in and drove off.

"Where are we going?" I asked.
"Warehouse. I gotta handle somethin'."
"Are you gonna let me do something this time?"
"What is there for you to do?"
"I don't see why you hired me to be an assistant if there's nothing for me to assist in," I pointed out.
"Cause they got shit that comes with this job that I don't feel like doin' and I got employees too stupid to do it for me. It hasn't come up, yet, so you haven't done it. I told you, patience."
"Right. Okay."

We were in the middle of nowhere when we pulled up to an old warehouse building that was different from the last.

"Get out." Mr. De Luca commanded.

I opened my door and noticed how dark it was outside. The sky was covered in storm clouds and I hadn't noticed because I was used to it appearing dark outside while in the car because of the harsh tinting.

"Mike has an errand to run. Wait out here. Do not come inside unless I tell you."
Mike drove off.
"Do you understand me?" he asked.
I nodded.
"Repeat it."
"Do not come inside unless you tell me." That made me scared because I wondered what was happening in there. If he is what I think he is, I assumed it would be dangerous and I didn't want to be a part of it.

He walked away from me and inside of the building.

I stood there.

The sky caught my eye again when I heard thunder clapping. I stared at the dark clouds and hoped it would be a minute before they let loose.

I took out my phone and decided to play a game while I waited.

I heard screaming and the thunder covered it, but I still wondered what was happening in there.

I continued playing my game anyway but soon felt the drizzle. I sighed but hoped it wouldn't get more than just a few drops.

I beat one level and went to the next.
Thunder boomed louder and the rain fell harder.
"Damn it." I sighed.
I put my phone in my purse and held it above my head.

More screaming. More thunder. More rain. It was like whatever he was doing in there was forcing the gloomy day. I wanted to know what was happening, but I was also afraid I'd see something I wouldn't be able to handle.
I wished there was an awning I could stand under.

The wind began to blow and I was growing damper by the second. I'd say this required a raise, but I was already extremely overpaid as is. So I decided to just suck it up.
I was mostly upset about my hair.

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