Chapter 23: Movie Makeout

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We sat on the couch halfway through the movie and my eyes were glued to the screen.

He hadn't moved once. I'd been spending this moment covering my eyes once every five minutes and he hadn't budged.

I'd finished my popcorn and placed the bag down.

The girl flashed onto the screen with a loud scream and I jumped then found myself curled into my boss sitting next to me.
Now I was embarrassed and scared, but it was instinct. Usually Nikki is right there for me to jump into.

He didn't say anything about it.

My face was lifted by his hand and I looked at him looking at me.
"You're shaking." he stated.
"I'm sorry. That one really got me." I snickered to play it off.
"You still apologize too much."
"Do you think so? I don't think so."
I noticed he still had the side of my face in his hand. It was gentle and shockingly warm for someone who seems cold hearted.

I looked back at him. "Does none of that stuff scare you?"
He didn't respond.
I guess that was a dumb question for someone who lives the life that he does. I doubt any grown man covered in scars with a gun would get scared over a silly fictional movie.
"It's easy to tell when you're in deep thought." he stated.
"You look away from me but your eyes look around like you're talking to yourself so you have nothing to focus your vision on."
"Oh..." I don't think anyone's told me that before. I used to be told to pay attention a lot. I don't have that issue anymore especially since Mr. De Luca's job is so interesting. I'm always paying attention with him.
"You're doin' it again," he mentioned.
I looked back at him. "I'm sorry."
"Stop apologizin'."
"I'm..." I stopped myself.

I looked at how close he was and felt how gently he held my face. I could still hear the characters from the movie talking, but I was mostly looking at his lips. They're really nice.
Really pretty.

If I tell him's weird, right?
Weirder than his hand sliding down my face and his thumb and index finger gently holding my chin close to him right now?
Probably not...

"You're doin' it aga-..."
"Your lips are really pretty," I interrupted him.
He licked them like it was a tease.

Our faces grew closer. Workplace inappropriateness...right?
Well...he's the boss so that's okay?
He's leading it. If anything I'm being a good employee and following his lead.

My thoughts stopped when our lips pressed together. I expected him to immediately pull away but instead he made it deeper and I followed his lead as his hand found my cheek again.
It was longer than I anticipated.

I heard a beeping and recognized it was the washing machine with his shirt.
I pulled away and he let go of my face.

"It's...your shirt..." I explained then got up quickly and walked to the washing machine.

I took the shirt out and just stood there.

I just made out with my boss.
My boss just made out with me.

And it was good. So good.

His lips are just as soft as they look. He can't be hot and a good kisser. There's gotta be something wrong with him.

There is.
He's emotionless.
And he broke my door.

When I think about it, he's destroyed my property twice now.

But he fixed the first thing and gave me something twice as good in return.
I wondered how he planned on fixing the door.

It would probably be titanium steel with a code to get in.

How do I go back out there knowing we just did what we did?
I'm nervous...

I stepped out anyway.

"Um...It's late and I'm really tired so I'm gonna go to bed. Your shirt is being left out to air dry because I didn't want it to shrink." I explained. "Goodnight."
He turned off the tv.

I walked to my room.

I hoped I didn't make him feel bad or like I didn't enjoy it.
I did enjoy it.
It just stressed me out afterwards.
Like what does this mean now? Does it mean that I like him? Does it mean he likes me? I hope it does...
If I hope it does, that basically means I like him...right?
I feel like I'm worrying too much...

I crawled into bed and laid down.

I don't want to scare him off by asking what it means. So I guess I'll keep it to myself.


I woke up to someone shaking me and loud whispering.

"Zoe! Zoe!" Nikki called.
"Hm?" I groaned.
"Your boss is in our living room on a phone call?!"
"He spent the night..." I mumbled.
"He did what?! Why?!"
"Did you have sex with your boss?"
"I wish..."
"Why would you say that?!"
"He's so sexy..." I murmured.
"Get up and tend to him please. It's weird that he just walks around the place."
"Okay..." I stretched in my bed and heard her walk off.

"Mm...Five more minutes."

I closed my eyes again.


There was knocking in my doorway.

"Hm?" I asked.
"Come here." His voice commanded through my room.

I lazily got out of bed then walked to my bathroom.

I fixed up my toothbrush and began scrubbing my teeth.

"Are you even awake?" I heard him ask.
"Mhm..." I replied hazily.

Turns out being awoken by what you assumed was the large silhouette of a robber only to find out it's your boss breaking and entering your home at 2am and you not going back to sleep until 4am after hungrily making out with him really drains you. Who knew?

I scrubbed my tongue then spit into the sink and washed my face.

"Mm." I pushed him out of the way with a hand on his stomach. I meant to say 'move' but my mouth was too tired.

He got out of the way and I walked to the kitchen.

I jumped when I saw three guys stood there attaching a new door that looked exactly like the old one.
I looked at Mr. De Luca.
"I told you I'd fix it. And they brought you breakfast." he explained.

I looked on the counter and saw a coffee and a small pastry bag.
"Aww that's so nice. I was almost considering cooking but this is much better." I said and walked over to it.
"You cook?" he asked.
"Yes. Do you?"
"Do you know how?" I sipped the coffee.

It's a vanilla latte.
He memorized my order from the time we got coffee together. I almost kissed him again. I was right when I told him he was nicer than he thinks he is.

"I'm not answering that question." he stated.
"I'll come up with my own answer then. No."
He rolled his eyes.
"I'd teach you."
He looked at me.
"Do you want me to?" I asked.
He didn't respond.
"If you don't answer, I'll come up with my own again." I smiled.

His hand reached my face and held my cheek while his thumb stroked it before grazing my lips.
I just stared up at him and let him.

"You smile a lot." he stated.
"You mention what I do a lot," I replied.
"Cooking?" I asked.
"Do what you want." he said and let go of my face.

I watched him walk away to the men fixing my door.

He's so strange.

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