Chapter 17: Marriage Maybe

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De Luca:

We walked into the office and Stefano shut the door.

I took a seat across from his desk.

"You can sit on that couch against the wall," I heard him tell Lucky.
"She'll sit next to me. Direct her again and we're gonna have a problem." I threatened gently.

The office lighting was dimmer so I took my glasses off.

I heard him sigh then Lucky came and took the chair to the left of me.
Stefano sat at his desk and began getting out all of the things he needed to.

She looked nervous and was tugging at her buttoned suit jacket.

"What's the matter with you?" I asked.
"It's a bit warm in here..."
It wasn't that warm. Stefano hates being cold but it was still a good temperature. I figured she said that because now she was nervous which made her blood warmer.
"Take your jacket off." I instructed.
"I can't..."
"Why can't you?"
"My dress isn't appropriate,...but it was the only black thing I had left. I don't have many dark clothes."
"Who gives a fuck? You can buy more later. Take the fuckin' jacket off," I commanded quietly.

"Are you two done?" Stefano interrupted.

Lucky stood up and I looked back at her.

She began undoing the button of her jacket then pulling it off and I noticed what she meant. The dress was tight and the straps were paper thin, which technically ain't appropriate for the workplace like she said.
I eyed how it hugged her body.
Fuck, that's a woman...

I felt my hips shift in my seat as I got comfortable and just stared. Facing her with no regrets. One hand on my arm rest and the other over my crotch.

She sat back down.
"I'm sorry..." she told Stefano.
No need to be sorry.

She apologizes too much.

My eyes shifted to him and he was lookin' at me.
"What?" I asked.
"If you still want me to translate your precious book, you keep a loyal marriage with my daughter." he instructed with emphasis on the word marriage.
"Fuck are you doin' tellin' me this again?" I questioned. I was sick of hearin' it. He beat it into my head when I called him days ago to ask for his help.
He looked over at Lucky. She was examinin' the room, not noticin' our gazes.
She's sexy ain't she...

I forget when I'm not lookin' at her.

Then I do and she reminds me.

"Did I do something wrong?" she asked when she noticed our eyes.
"No, Stefano's just bein' a creep." I said and looked into my lap.
"Me the creep?! You were the one lookin' at her-..."
"Lucky, look at the wall and don't look away until I say so." I interrupted.

She was confused but she followed directions and looked towards the left wall.

I took out my gun and pointed it at Stefano with my finger over the trigger. "Watch your tone. You're gettin' too comfortable with me, Bianchi." I threatened.
He held his hands in the air.
"I heard your bargain. I said I'd do it. I'm not your puppy. Watch your fuckin' mouth."
He nodded.
I put my gun away.

"You can look now, Lucky." I permitted.
She faced forward and saw the redness of Stefano's neck. He does that when he's nervous. Pussy.

I went into my suit jacket and took out the small book then tossed it onto Stefano's desk.

"That's it?" he asked.
"Kind of small ain't it?"
"I ain't buy it." I argued. "Flip through it and tell me what you get."
He picked up the book and began flipping through all of the pages.
"Shit." he stated.
"Take a picture of the first few pages then hand it back over." I instructed.

He took out his phone and began clicking.

I looked at Lucky. She was on her phone.

She turned and looked at me. "Hi." she smiled.
"Hi." I replied, smileless.
"Nikki says she's ready. I think it went pretty well."

"Here," said Stefano.
I looked at him and grabbed the book as he reached it out to me.
"It might take some time, but I'll see what I can do."
"Have you proposed, yet?" he asked me.
I glared at him. "No."
"What's keeping you?"
"Let's go, Lucky." I instructed and stood up.

I slid on my sunglasses.

Lucky stood up with her jacket in her hands and we both walked to the door.

"Figure that shit out if you want your wedding." I said before we walked out.

We left the house and hopped back in the car.

"Where to?" Mike asked.
We drove off.

I saw that Lucky began putting her jacket back on.
She said she had to go shopping at some point, but she spends everyday and almost every hour with me.

I'm gonna regret this bullshit.

"After we pick your friend up..." I began.
She looked at me.
"Do you want me to take you to the store so you can get your work stuff?" I grumbled.
"You'd do that?"
"You don't have the free time anyway." I stated.
"Yes, please. If you don't mind."
Too fucking polite. I just said I didn't mind.

Not too long after her agreement, we arrived at the casino and her friend was already waiting.

Lucky opened the door then moved closer to me. Her hand landed on my thigh.
"Oh, I'm sorry," she said and removed it.
Again with the apologies.

Her friend climbed in.

"How did it go?!" Lucky asked cheerfully.

The car took off.

"It was pretty good. They told me what I'd be doing and asked me how much my other job offers me."
"Do you think you'll take it?"
"I don't know, yet. It seems nice. But I wanna think about it. They said they'd give me until the end of the week to make a decision."
"I think you should go for it." Lucky replied.
"Do you wanna go to the store with us?" she offered.

Great, she wants it to be a party. I didn't even want to go when it was just her, let alone both of them.

"I would, but I promised Charlie I'd hangout with him when the interview was over. Can they drop me off back home?"
Thank god.
"Mike." I called.
"Yes, sir."

I listened to the ladies next to me talking while I just sat there wishin' I had a cigarette between my lips and staring out of the dark window.

I heard Lucky's laugh and looked next to me.

She's got a nice laugh.

We arrived inside their parking garage and the friend got out.
"Thank you for the ride!" she told me.
I just nodded in response.
"Bye, I'll see you later!" said Lucky.
"Okay! Come back with cute stuff!"
"I promise!"
Their yelling as her friend walks inside is annoying.

Lucky shut the door once they were finished waving.

"Where to?" Mike asked.
I looked at Lucky.
"Can we go to the mall? Since it's a lot of options in one spot?" she asked.
I just stared at her.
"Please? I'll be quick, I promise."
I took a deep breath and faced forward. "The mall, Mike."
"The mall?" he questioned and very obviously sounded confused.
"Yes." I replied.
He drove off.

The fucking mall.

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