Arguments and Freeing a Fire Bird

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New chapter out. Not much happening, but it's needed to move the plot forward.


The sounds of arguing roused the Kaiju from his sleep.

'What's going on this time?' (M/N) thought to himself.

'Can't a Kaiju get some sleep around here?'

Sighing, he got up and headed to the main room of the Argo to see what's up.

When he finally got there.

"I'm telling you what Andrew and I saw!" Mark shouted in frustration.

'What's got him so riled up.'

"Emma willingly pressed the button of her own free will and freed Ghidorah from her prison!"


"That is bullshit man!" Rick Stanton, one of Monarch member said, "She virtually recruited half of the people in this room to join Monarch!"

(I think he's the one that took the most convincing)

"Why would she do that only to turn her back on everything she has done?"

"Why don't we ask Andrew?" Nick interjected himself into the conversation.

All eyes turned on him,

"Madison texted (M/N) warning him of something her mother was going to do. And to seek out Andrew to get the full story."

Eyes turned to Andrew, who sighed before explaining.

"Ever since San Francisco, 5 years ago. Mom had started to change; it was slow and subtle, but she still believed in Monarch and Humanity survival. But during the hunt for MUTO Prime, whose location remains unknown, her path inadvertently crossed with that bastard Jonah."

"I don't know what transpired during that time, but he eventually got to her and convince her that Humanity as it was, would wound killing both themselves and the planet."

Silence could be heard as Andrew continued talking.

"Of course, she was already becoming disillusioned with her work and with how Humanity treated the Kaiju Girls and the work of Monarch. It wasn't too hard for her to become convince that restoring the world and letting the remnants of human society build up from the aftermath of the 'False Queen' destruction was the best option to take."

"Since she and Dad were, more or less, not talking to each other he was unaware of what was going on. Nor that by leaving Maddy with her, she had full custody over her and was able to, at some degree, persuade her that taking this path was the best option for Humanity."

"She tried to convince me as well, but since I knew things that neither she nor Monarch knew (Namely the existence of a Male Kaiju and said Kaiju saving my life), I plain out said no. And trust me, she tried very hard to convince me to help with this plan. I kept refusing until I practically disowned her as my parent, I told her that unless she stops this foolish plan to never talk to me again."

"I did not want to be a part of the possible end of Humanity."


"So, why didn't you say anything then?" Akane Yashiro spoke up, confused on why he never brought it up.

It could have saved some time and lives.

"*Sighing* I guess I was hoping that me not speaking to her would snap her out of whatever delusions she had."

Andrew admitted, "But, I guess it was a long shot."


Zilla Jr. placed a hand on his arm in support.

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