Chapter 1: The beginning

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(M/N) = Male Name

(H/C) = Hair color

(H/L) = Hair Length

(E/C) = Eye Color

(S/C) = Skin Color

(F/C) = Favorite Color

"..." = Talking

'...' = Thinking


Heavy breathing could be heard as the massive beast was slowly dying from its wounds. A lone human slowly walked up to him, looking him straight in the eye. Sorrow and sadness could be seen in the human's expression as he stared at the monster.

"I'm sorry." Was all the human could say, but his apology was genuine and that for some reason put the beast at ease.

The beast slowly closed his eyes as death came to him.

Before his eyes popped wide open as he heard a faint roar – the roar of his child!

Letting out a weak roar, he slowly got up and started walking straight to the source.

This startled the humans as they started to panic. However,

"NO!, nononono!" The human that had seemingly formed a connection with the beast shouted at his fellow humans. "Calm down! I don't think he's going to hurt anybody."

"Nick how can you be so sure!" His ex, Audrey Timmonds, shouted. "Have you forgotten what that creature has done to the city."

Nick Tatopoulos simply said, "Something is telling me that he isn't going to threaten the city right now."

"What we should do is follow him."

"You're the boss, big guy" Victor Palotti said, willing to follow him. "You seem to have a better handle on this then we do."

"Very well, we'll do this your way." The French secret agent, Phillippe Roaché agreed, "I just hope that this will not lead to more destruction."

"Don't worry it won't" Nick reassured being getting a radio from one of the soldiers' "Colonol Hicks do you read me?"

"Loud and clear Nick!" "What's the situation?"

"Godzilla (remember this is set during the movie, that's what they are calling him) is still alive sir. But, I don't want you guys to attack him yet."

"What!? Are you out of your mind?"

"I know it seems crazy Sir, but I want to see where he's going. Just have a couple of your guys watching him from the sky."

"...Fine" after some deliberation he agreed, "But the moment he goes AWOL on us I will not hesitate to give the order to shoot."

"Thank you very much Sir!"

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