Battle in Antarctica | Part 1

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Location: Argo, en route to Antarctica Monarch Outpost

"During one of our expeditions in Antarctica, we uncovered an unknown Titan."

Serizawa explained as he brought up data of the unknown Titan on screen.

This time Vivienne spoke up

"An enormous creature trapped in ice, based on our limited findings we concluded it to be an apex predator much like Gojira."

She finished, with Serizawa adding

"Emma called it Monster Zero"

A short silence filled the room before Serizawa said:

"Dr. Chen?"

Said person spoke,

"I have been scouring ancient texts, legends, myths-anything that could explain this mysterious Titan. But I have found almost nothing. "

She admitted in defeat at being unable to find any useful information about the frozen Kaiju.

"It's almost like no one wanted to speak about her. As though she was meant to be forgotten, never to see the day of light or have a place in our history."

That revelation had them feeling rather uncomfortable.

"I see," Machiko hummed, hand under her chin as she absorbed this information. "I assume that this is the reason you never mentioned this being existence then."

"...Yes, Tsuge-san" Serizawa admitted, "With other Kaiju like Gojira and Mothra, we have found various information from multiple sources. But, with this one, there is virtually almost nothing that can be found concerning this particular Kaiju."

"Well, that's just great!" General Gyozen sarcastically said, "So, you're telling me that we have a potentially dangerous beast frozen in ice that is possibly worse than Godzilla. And you thought it would be a smart idea to keep it hidden!?"

(Don't worry they'll get better, it's just that I have seen stories where most of them have a grudge against Godzilla. So, I kinda put them as sorta antagonists, but not really, to drive home the point that not everyone is happy about Godzilla being their protector.)

"I don't know, strategically it's actually a smart, tactical plan." Hicks calmly countered, "Think about it, we have an unknown Kaiju that we know nothing about. One that from what you guys said earlier has Godzilla going off in a frenzy meaning that this Titan is a threat to her position as the Alpha."

"And keep in mind that we have other groups that would love to have a Kaiju to further their own goals."

That statement seems to cause people to quiet down as they process what was said.

Until Gyozen spoke up once more,

"And you!" She pointed at HEAT, "Monarch isn't the only one that seems to be keeping secrets it seems. You have a Kaiju of your own as well!"

She said, pointing to Zilla Jr. who was happily chatting with Andrew at the moment.

Sensing eyes on her, she turned to the group of humans waving before returning to her conversation with Andrew.

And wasn't that a load of fun, having to explain THAT to Monarch and the Global Defense Force.


"They are letting us in" Major Hicks said, as the sub began loading into Castle Bravo port.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Victor asked

"Who knows, for now we should consider it a step in the right direction." Nick said, as their underwater sub docked into Castle Bravo port.

"We should be careful though when we get off" Monique said, "While I doubt Monarch will take action against us for bringing Zilla Jr. with us, the same can't be said for the GDF."

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