Jed smiled at his partner, he was happy they were back and the roman general returned the same gesture. 

Back with Nick…

Teddy smiled holding Sacagawea close, the two loving being in each other’s arms. Attila and Dexter were chatting to Nick, the exhibits listening closely to what the young man had been up to in the past few years since they last saw him. Rexy roared, gaining all of their attention. “What’s up boy?” Nick asked, placing a hand on Rex’s face. The skeleton turned its head trying to make a gesture towards the Egyptian section. 

Sacagewea gasped figuring out the gesture straight away. “Sac, what is it?” Nick asked. Teddy moved closer to his love when she uttered one word, “Ahkmenrah” before the group heard running footsteps to see Larry sprinting in Egypts direction. Sac on his tail. The others quickly followed. Dexter scurried up after them. “Dad!” Larry heard his son but he had one goal, Ahkmenrah. With speed the flash would be jealous of, Larry reached Egypt but a frown etched its way on his face when he was faced with silence. 

The group soon caught up with Larry only to gasp. Where was Ahkmenrah? Or more importantly where was his coffin? “Dad?” Larry turned to face the group, he was absolutely confused. “Gigantor, where is Ahk?” Jed called from his pocket. Larry shook his head. 

The two jackals didn’t move. Larry instantly knew something was off. He guided the group down to the main lobby, “Lad, are you alright?” Larry turned to face Teddy, nodding. He walked over to his bag where he kept his phone. Unlocking it, he looked up at his messages only to frown. There was none. Where was the tablet and Ahkmenrah?

“Dad, what about the storage, basement?” Nick suggested. Larry frowned before taking off in that direction. The others quickly followed. “Hurry up! Gigantor! We need to get Ahk out of his coffin”, “Enough Jedediah, Larry is hurrying as fast as he can”. Larry smirked hearing their conversation, it reminded him of the times he would scold Nicky. 

After a few minutes of running past bewildered exhibits, the small group reached the storage and heard the banging of a familiar coffin. There were two boxes so the group separated. Larry and Teddy took one while the others tackled the other one. Teddy looked around the room for an object to open the wooden lid, he smiled when a crowbar came into view. Quickly, he used it to open the lid. They were met with the familiar sight of Ahkmenrah’s coffin. Within a few minutes the locks were off and the lid didn’t move, surprising the two. Larry and Teddy worked together and lifted the heavy lid off the coffin. Together the two peaked in only to sigh, Ahkmenrah lay peacefully in the coffin. Larry reached down, unwrapping the pharaoh's head to reveal soft brown hair. “Ahkmenrah?” Teddy kneeled down so he was close to the young man’s side. When the young king didn’t respond, Larry and Teddy shared a look. “Ahk, my boy can you hear me?” Teddy asked again. The young kings face scrunched up, Teddy smiled. He knew an exhausted young man when he saw one. “Give him a few minutes, lad” Teddy said, clasping Larry’s shoulder. The night guard nodded but didn’t move from the young king's side.

Meanwhile with the other coffin…

Attila and Sacagawea worked together to get the pins out and no sooner did the lid blow off, almost flying across the room. The mummy sat up, making the others back away. “Hey, it’s okay. Nothing here will harm you”, Nick tried to reassure while being majorly freaked out, he looked across the room to see his dad moving over to them while Sacagewea stood over Ahkmenrah’s still body. Nick frowned. The mummy moved climbing out of the coffin, reaching up to unwrap their head. Larry grabbed Nick placing him behind him, Attila did the same making sure he was upfront in case this mummy was any bother. “Now how would I know that?”, the individual spoke in Ancient Egyptian to them. Larry shrugged when everyone looked at him. The individual sighed, taking the wrappings off. Ignoring the gasps, the individual spoke, “Who are you? Where am I?”. The English was fluent. 

“Kahmunrah?” Larry asked, in disbelief. Jed and Octavius made themselves comfortable in Larry’s pocket in case there was a fight, they weren’t scared. “Do I know you?” Kahmunrah stated, while unwrapping his upper half of ridiculous bandages. The group was at a loss, this Kahmunrah was different to the Washington one. It confused the poor night guard. “Are we going to continue staring with wide eyes and mouths open, one might want to shut their mouth before the wind changes and you are stuck like that? '' Kahmunrah jokes. Finally happy he managed to get rid of the wrappings leaving him in his prince clothes. 

Larry didn’t get it, this Kahmunrah had just made a joke. What?. 

“Now, peasants. If I am alive, does that mean my brother’s tablet is here?” The ask of a simple question put them all on edge. “Indeed, but that does not mean. You will be getting your hands on it” Teddy stated. The group in agreement. Kahmunrah laughed. 

“What’s so funny?” Sacagawea asked moving to be in view of the man in front of them. Attila had placed a hand on her shoulder showing his support while Nick leaned over Ahk with Dexter trying to wake the young king. 

“Why would I want the tablet?” Kahmunrah asked, hands on his hips. Larry almost smirked, the stance fitted the Egyptian ruler in front of him. “To take over the world, like you did back in Washington!” Larry said, shifting to hold his torch in his left hand. Kahmunrah laughed. “What do you want then?” Teddy asked. Kahmunrah levelled the president with a stare, “I want to keep my brother safe from ‘the red death’. Now I have no knowledge of this Washington but I can assure you, I will not be taking over this vile world”. 

Kahmunrah left the group in shock as he walked around his coffin when something caught his view. Something shiny, soon he found himself dodging a sword aimed at him. 

“You will not be going anywhere near my king! If I have anything to say about it!”, Kahmunrah stared in shock at the man dressed in metal in front of him. Grabbing his khopesh, Kahmunrah defended himself from this metalman. 

Larry groaned out loud as the others tried to stop the fight in front of them. 

He didn’t know who was worse at this precise moment: 

Lancelot? or Kahmunrah? 

There we go, sorry for the wait! This story has needed sorted out majorly. Next chapter will be up in a few days! :)
Let me know what you think in the comments!

A Brother's Promise - CompleteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora