What is he planning? Is he gonna- no don't think that. No way he would-.

You couldn't even finish your thought. Shin dragged you outside and to the side of the school. You both stopped at the boy's locker room. "Wait here." Shin walked inside. You waited a few minutes feeling so embarrassed that he saw..
"I really wish I could evaporate right now.." You mumbled to yourself. Wanting to just crawl in a hole and die.

Shin came back out holding something. A pair of pants?
"I had a spare uniform Hazu gave me awhile back. You can wear the pants. If it doesn't fit, here's a belt." He has done the pants to you. You didn't know how to feel.

You nodded and walked into the girl's locker room. You changed into the pants which were too big for you so you used the belt to tighten it. Hopefully you wouldn't get into any trouble.
You left the bathroom and met with Shin outside.
"They look good on you." He complemented. You blushed and looked away from him, not knowing how to take complements.

"Anyways I should meet with my friends now.. I'll see you later." You waved goodbye to Shin and started to walk away.

You went to the roof where you saw Midoro, Mai, and Kuu as you always did.
"Y/n-chan! I thought you wouldn't come!" Midori waved you over. You say down with them and pulled out your bento and began to eat.
"Y/n, why are you wearing pants?" Kuu asked curiously. You immediately went stiff.

How do I answer that?

You just laughed nervously, thinking of a good excuse. "Oh uh- I-I fell down in mud." You lied. They didn't seem to think much for if it and continued eating. You let out a mental sigh of relief and eat your bento.

You walked into the Occult Club for club time. Shin said he'd get you in the club but you weren't sure if he could since Oka was back. You walked in awkwardly, your eyes instantly landing on Shin who smiled when he noticed you after looking up from his book.
"Y/n!" Shin jumped up and rushed over to you. "I was scared you wouldn't actually want to do club activities with us." Shin threw his arms around you.

You two separated when Oka walked over. "H-Hello.. I'm the leader of the Occult Club. I'm glad you decided to join us. I'm Oka Ruto a-and it's a pleasure to have you join us." She smiled with her eyes rather than her lips.
"It's nice to meet you too! I love your stockings!" You pointed to her amazing looking thigh highs. Oka nodded before grabbing something you couldn't see. She tossed it over to you and you caught it. It was a cloak.

"We'll be attempting to contact a demonic entity. Hopefully.. the entity won't be... Too demonic." She as well as the other members put on the cloaks. You did the same, feeling nervous about the topic.
Everyone gathered in a circle to attempt to summon a demon.


After school you were in the front of the school when you noticed Taro and Oka walking out together. You raised a brow and smirked.
You approached the pair with a wave and friendly smile.
"Hey Taro! Hey Oka! What's up with you two?" You grin at them and put your hands on your hips. Oka blushed and looked away.
"Oh, do you two know each other?" Taro asked. "We just met today, I joined the Occult Club." You explained. Taro looked suprised. "Wow I never would've expected you to join the Occult Club. Aren't you like- a total coward when it comes to the paranormal?" Taro asked. Your eyes went wide and face red. "N-NO! Shut up." You crossed your arms and looked away.
"You're also dating my friend." Oka added in, adding to why you both know each other. Taro looked even more suprised.
"Woah Y/n having a boyfriend? That's shocking. I've really been out the loop, huh?"

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