"Was he really that bad?" I ask emma

"Have you noticed that no one comes around to visit him?"

"Yeah, Dan said he

" The people that were around him were only there because of the power he had because he could ruin them with the shift of a hand... when his episodes started, everyone saw their exit and left."

"What about his wife?"

"I think you should really ask Daniel about this stuff, but you can easily find out what you wanna know by asking around."

"It's fine Emma, i won't tell

"Emma, are you sure he'll die?" Daniel interrupts

"I'm certain, sir,"

"Good, call me when he does. Baby, let's go. "

"Babe, your Dad just got his mind back. Are you sure you need

"Shanice, let's go,"

"No, i know you'll regret it if you leave like this, and he dies. This can't be the last way you speak to your dad. "

"Shan - not right

His voice breaks, and he runs his hand over his face and through his pompadour

"Just promise me you'll at least talk to him once more," I convince

"Okay, fine, well go home, get some breakfast, shower, and come back later,"


We leave, and the minute we get to his car, Daniel phones, Mariana. I listen as they speak without interrupting, but not for long as I notice Dan isn't mentioning anything about his dad possibly dying

"He could die." I didn't mean to say it, but i just did

"Oh hello My Gorgeous Daughter-in-law"

"Hi." I smile

"He could die?"

I look at Daniel whose focused on the road and doesn't bother to even look at me, i know he wished i didnt say anything but, someone's dying, someone he cares about is dying, I can't just- he needs his support system.

"Emma said patients like Jack usually die anywhere between two hours and a week after becoming lucid."

"What do you need, Daniel? Is there anything i can do?"

"No, Mom, it's fine. If he's gonna die, let him die,"

"You dont mean that," i convinced him quickly.."He doesn't mean that... we're going back to his place to a few things, and then we'll stay at Jacks until he... until he transitions," I inform Mariana

Daniel, with his eyes still focused on the road, shakes his head

"Okay, I'll meet you guys there,

"Mom, you dont have to."

"I know I dont have to, but he's your dad, and I want to."

"Okay, drive safe, I love you,"

see you soon, I love you, Son. "

The call ends

I know you're mad that i told her, but i had to -

"Im not mad,"

"You aren't?"



Im so glad i had the meeting with my girls yesterday but i really dont want them to think im neglecting my job or their efforts, i love CCs, its my baby, my foundation, the start of something big for me but i love Danny too and I need to be there for him, he's the reason i even have CCs to begin with.



I've to make a quick stop


Trust me

I trust you

Not long after, Daniel pulls into a building garage. An unidentified person walks up to his windows, and Daniel hands him an envelope, and he leaves.

We stay there for a minute Then a bright light shines the garage door opens and we drive out.

"Are you gonna ask?" Daniel questions staring at me briefly



I don't even want to know right now

At the House

Daniel, Mariana, Greyson, and I all arrive at Jacks house.

Marianna and I notified Daniel's supporting system, and they'll be coming by at some point today.

Daniel's POV

"Son, I need to see you in my office, now."

I already know this man is about to give me an ear full for all the plans i have in motion regarding his businesses, but i was ready, what my dad hadn't noticed is that im not the son i was when he lost his mind, im a man now. I have no problem standing up for myself. Im not afraid of losing my privileges. My siblings, my mom, and Shan are my only concerns, and i know they'll love me irregardless..

"Why the fu%^k would you invite all these people over without my permission?"

"Those people?" They are My people, people that came here to make sure you're okay, the way they've been doing even when you weren't lucid. "

"Ive business associates on their way here right now, this is not the time for visitors"

"Business associates..are you serious?"

"Get those - get your people to leave now!"

"You know dad, you may not have realized but i am not the boy i was when you lost your mind, im a man now and im not your bitch, i dont do as you say"

"Ha-ha, you're telling -"

"Im telling you that if you need my people to leave you can go out there and tell them yourself but if you do, me and you are gonna throw a few punches, you can do that or you can call off your "Associates", reschedule and come spend time with the people that are making time for you"

Hey, my babies! See, I kept my word. I'm trying my best to update more often, the wikid man nuh sick again..what do you think will happen next?

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