Vol. 1: Class 1-D

Start from the beginning




Why do I suddenly feel like I've achieved something impossible? She just apologized for her actions earlier, nothing more.

Kiyo: Since we're starting over, can I know your name? It'll be convenient to know since it looks like we're going to be with neighbors.

I somehow expected her to reject me harshly after that question because that's what I'm getting from her demeanor alone but surprisingly, she didn't. She only stared at me for a few moments before releasing a light sigh.

???: It's Horikita Suzune.

Kiyo: That's a beautiful name....

Suzune: What...?

What the hell am I doing? It's like I'm saying things out of impulse, which isn't supposed to happen. I have a stronger sense of self-control than this.

Kiyo: Er, sorry about that. I'm saying things carelessly. Anyway, my name is-

Chiaki: Hey, Ayanokou-

Hearing someone talk behind me, I quickly turned around and pressed a finger towards the lips of the person who just spoke to cut them off from saying anything more.

Matsushita stood before me with wide eyes, obviously surprised at how fast I acted. Her cheeks were also red, most likely because my finger was directly against her lips.

I've read about this instance before, actually. I think it was called the 'smooth moves'? Apparently, it's a big help in winning over girls if one desires to have a girlfriend.

I should remove her finger from her mouth now, but I can't risk her saying my name out loud. Plus, I think Matsushita's reaction is pretty cute.

Suzune: What did she just say?

Kiyo: Just a sec.

I turned towards Matsushita for now and leaned closer to her face, making her eyes widen even more.

Kiyo: I'll tell her myself. Don't say my name out loud because everyone will hear it. Nod your head if you understand.

Matsushita nodded slowly.

Satisfied with her answer, I removed my finger from her lips and turned back towards Horikita, who was staring at us in confusion.

Kiyo: If I tell you my name, could you not freak out?

Suzune: Why would I?

She frowned upon hearing my sudden request, which I returned with one of my own.

Kiyo: Just tell me that you won't.

Suzune: Fine, I won't.

Horikita looked annoyed that I'm asking her to do this, but I'm sure she'll understand once she knows who I am. It's not like she's some spoiled brat who thinks that she's on top of the world, right?

I threw a small glance at our other classmates. They were all too busy mingling with each other to notice me.

Kiyo: My name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

Horikita POV

As soon as I heard those words come out of his mouth, I was immediately overtaken by shock.

This guy..... the same person who was staring at the bus...... the same boy who said some embarrassing things about me...... he's the one who achieved a perfect score in all of his exams?

I was almost tempted to call him out for being a liar because it was too ridiculous to be true, but then he removed his bag from his desk where his nameplate was supposed to be.

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