Hours later....

I called Nate twice. No answer. I send him a text while I'm waiting in the church. The eeriest vibe crept over me as I sat there.  Caleb was a few blocks away from the church in the next parking lot. and I rented a car just to drive it here, so he'd think I was alone. My heart raced as time crept by. An hour had passed, and Nate was a no show. I stood to leave. before I left, I kneeled at the altar. I was raised in the church. I knew to fall before God when I needed it. This was one of those times. I began to cry as my mind flooded with images of pain from the past years. Darkness filled me as I began to pray for our souls. I'm hurting. After crying out to God I stood up and dried my face and walked out. Just as I head for the door, I hear someone clapping from pulpit behind me. "What a lovely performance beautiful. You always knew how to give God a show." My heart sank. His voice rang through me. I felt sick. The anxiety in my throat came rushing out. "Are you drinking again beautiful?"  Nate asked. I was paralyzed. I heard him walking behind me the same memory triggered as before. Suddenly I was being carried away the church ceilings are as high as my blood pressure. "What did you do to Ari?" I screamed at him. "And here is the aggression. Here is the Queen monster, Your Royal Cryer, The Heart broken. Babygirl girl what did you do to Ari?" Nate said with a smirk. "I guess you don't remember. See all I ever wanted was to make you, my wife. You didn't want that. The reason why you can't remember what you did to Ari is because I'm always protecting you. You would crash and burn without me. I remember a drunken Kyomi stumbling through the venue. I watched you go up to the master bedroom where Ari was sleeping. Moments later you came running down the staircase. out the front door. I watched you speed off in your car. I cleaned up your mess I always clean up your mess. So, what we're bad people let's be bad people together." He said while walking towards me. This man my best friend, a man that was my first man. He still cheated on me and made me think I was crazy now he's, trying to tell me I killed Ari? Hell, No I Did Not! Of course, he'd find a way to pin this on me. My body goes Numb as my knees grow weak. "Nate please, did you kill Ari?" I asked. " Didn't Caleb tell you? Do you know anything? " Just as I stand, I hear Caleb bolt through the doors. 

"Fuck off Boy." he said to Nate. He Jogged over to me.  As I stand between them my heart hardens. "What's your problem man?" Caleb asked.

 "She needs to know. Tell her. Or I will." Nate said. " Tell me what? TELL ME WHAT!!!" I yelled. I stepped away from them both.

 "Hahahahaha." I laughed. "Tell me what? Nothing? Because how I see it you both killed her. And now you're trying to set me up." I said. "Bingo Beautiful." Nate replied with a smirk.

 "You see Beautiful, Once Ari drove us back to the venue, she thought it would be cute to parade around in your dress. I didn't find it cute. I told her how childish she was and from there she tore the place up. Once she finished, she took off up the staircase and I followed her. After fucking her and making her feel like you, I walked out to figure out how to handle this... I went down the staircase and thought long and hard while she was sleeping. i even took a walk which is when i thought i saw Caleb crossing the field. However, I didn't kill her yet. someone beat me to it."  He said while walking over to me. 

"After returning from my walk. I see my Fiancée running drunkenly down the staircase. Out the front door and into the twilight." I wanted to follow you but instead I grabbed my keys and I-." 

I raised my hand to him signaling him to stop talking. 

"I don't remember going back to the venue that night.  I barely remember going home. But I do Remember being carried away and the sound of the shoes echoed like the church bells. I know I didn't go straight home. So, Caleb what happened?" I said while looking over to him. 

" Ky stop it I told you what happened. we left I drove you home then I left and went to the venue to wait for Nate. The only person that saw me there was Ari's dad." He spoke. 

"He's lying Babygirl." Nate said.

 "I'm not though I'm telling it how it happened to me."   He replied.

The church air felt like hell burning my skin. 

"Honestly Nate, I believe you killed Ari because she wanted to be with you. I believe you told her not to wear the necklace you got her that was exactly like mines to the engagement party. Maybe you-" 

"Maybe Ari wasn't the target? What if the target was you?" Caleb interjected. What if Nate and Ari planned to kill you. I mean She was standing beside him so comfortably once outted. Plus, the fact that she wore your dress and stayed at the venue makes me believe that was their plan all along.. I barely tasted the champagne I grabbed but it hit different. Ky, you were so out of it I couldn't believe you were that wrecked that fast. You-" 

Just then Nate dramatically gives a standing ovation to Us. 

"Well done! You two are perfect for each other. So now what? Are you going to tell her how I met you here at the church that night? Are you going to tell her why?" He said while walking over to Caleb.

I slowly backed away from them both.

"What is he talking about Caleb?" I asked. 

He didn't answer me he just stared Nate down who was centimeters away from him. 

"You see... ya little boy toys theory is almost spot on. everything except the part where I killed Ari. See the champagne was laced but that was for you Kyomi... You came back to the venue, you found Ari upstairs wrecked in the bed we were supposed to be in. I believe you woke her up and you girls fought, and one thing led to another.  Although I didn't see it, I saw the most beautiful yet vile woman I know making her lavish exit. I paced the floor wondering if I should follow you. by the time I left you were long gone. that was until Caleb called me...  You see I met Caleb here in this vey church we're standing in. Your little boy toy tried to check me claiming I roughed you up. When I saw you, you were passed out in your car here in the parking lot. You were bruised and scratched up so badly... I-"

"SHUT UP!" I yelled while walking down to him. Both men were still standing face to face no broken eye contact. this was a dick swinging battle I didn't feel the need to be in.

"Caleb is this true? Tell me?" I said as I slowly crept between them to look in his eyes. 

He glanced down at me. "It's true. but I don't believe you killed Ari." 

"Honestly Nate how I feel you killed Ari and you're trying to frame Kye.. I think its best we make some phone calls to settle this." Caleb said. 

"You just had to come here. YOU DONT KNOW HER LIKE I KNOW HER!" Nate yelled.  "I DIDN'T FUCKING KILL HER BEST FRIEND SHE DID. AND YOU KNOW DAMN WELL SHE DID." Nate yelled. As he walked towards me and Caleb. Caleb shoved me then swung on Nate. They fought for what seemed like forever. I begged and pleaded from the top of my lungs. They were going to kill each other!

"Please stop! You're hurting me please!" I cried. I called the cops as Nate punched Caleb unconscious. Nate stood and turned to me. his face was unrecognizable. I tried to run but there was only two exits and i was so far away from them both. 

"Nate please, Please don't do this. I'm sorry im so sorry please. don't do this." I Cried. I had my eyes shut tight as i felt him creep up to me. My body ached as i felt him snake his massive hands up my body. 

"Nate please, please don't do this." I begged. 

His hands began to crush my neck as I feel the life being drained from me. I struggle to breathe. While i try to free myself from Nate. I manage to reach above my head and feel the candle holder on the wall. With all my strength i break it off and jab it directly into Nates chest. I watch him stumble to the ground. I walk over and snatch the candle holder from his chest. By the way his blood shot back at me i knew it was bad. I instantly fainted... 

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