Chapter 43:👑 Finding My Father pt.6: The Zepherian King🖤

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, Ben and I were talking a few days ago about our Family Tree project in French class before I asked him if he could help me find my dad since all I knew was that he was a king. Ben agreed to help me, so now we're following the clues my mom left for me." Nevaeh explains while absentmindedly playing with her necklace.

"Omg! N, that's wonderful! I hope you find him." Squeals Evie.

"D-Do you think that maybe when you're done, that he could help us find ours?" Carlos asked tentatively.

A small part of him was hoping that whoever his father was would care about him and not use him as a slave, someone who he could be able to introduce to Dude and vice versa without having to worry about if his best friend would end up becoming another one of his mother's clothing items.

"I'm sure Ben would love to if you just ask him." Nevaeh said, offering a small smile.

"So, what you're saying is that you've gone looking for something that isn't important right now instead of what we came here for? Now, when you meet your daddy, you'll leave us? What about getting the wand and freeing our parents off the Isle?! Long Live Evil, remember?!" Mal snarled, her voice rising with each sentence.

Looking at Mal with a glare, Nevaeh sighs internally, taking a moment to glance over at Ben. Upon seeing that he was in a deep sleep (thankfully), she sighs in relief before looking back at her screen.

"First off, fuck you. This is important, maybe not to you, but it is to me. Second, keep your fucking voice down, Ben is litterally asleep near me.Third, no, I haven't forgotten our endgame. Look, it's late and I have a big day tomorrow, we'll talk later. Night, guys." Nevaeh hissed, her glaring eyes now becoming soft and tired.

"Night, Nev." The others (minus Mal) replied before ending the facetime.

Sighing to herself, Nevaeh goes back over to where Ben was sleeping, laying down next to him, instantly loving the feeling of his arms wrapping around her waist as he stirs in his sleep a bit, but ultimately doesn't wake up.

'Who the fuck does Mal think she is talking to me like that? Like bitch, everything is important to me besides that wand. As for leaving, the only person I'd be leaving would be your sorry ass, talking to me like you own me. Bitch, I'm not- nor was I ever- your puppet, don't know who told you I was for you to be thinking that.' Nevaeh thought to herself, mentally rolling her eyes.

Taking a deep breath, she let her mind and body relax, opting to get rid of the negative energy that Mal had imposed on her as she laid in the arms of her lover.


*Nevaeh's p.o.v*

Morning came and I almost groaned at the sunlight shining through and onto my face from the open jet windows.

"Morning, love," Ben said, kissing my bare shoulder since I was only in a tank top and shorts.

"Morning, beasty," I whispered as I turned to face him. He kissed my nose, making me smile. "What time is it?" I asked, combing my fingers through his hair.

"Uh...8:30 am. We should be arriving soon, wanna go take a shower first?" Ben suggested. I nodded before turning to the side to get up. Stretching, I made my way to the bathroom suite after getting an outfit from my bag.

After taking a nice bath and feeling refreshed, I walked out with my hair curled while wearing a navy blue, short romper that was sleeveless and strapless. I went to grab a pair of silver heels from my bag as well as a few silver pieces of jewelry to wear while Ben went to take his shower.

(Below is her outfit, hair, and makeup:)

(Below is her outfit, hair, and makeup:)

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