That sets me off. The mention of them all being proud of me and finally having something in my life to look forward to. I never thought I would get here. I never thought I would have an amazing boyfriend who loves me and supports me. I look up to the ceiling to help stop the tears streaming down my face.

"Have you told Logan the news yet?"

I shake my head no. "I was just at Iris' when I got the call and ran straight home. I'll call him now. Can you call Iris and let her know please? I kinda ran out on her and I'm sure she is dying to know what is going on." I chuckle, wiping my palms over my cheeks.

"Of course dear."

I run upstairs to my room, closing the door behind me and sitting on the edge of my bed. Pulling up Logan's contact I place my phone on speaker while I tie my hair up ready to jump in the shower.

"Hey baby, I've just got home. I was about to call you."

"I got an interview at the photography studio!" I blurt out. Covering my smile behind my hands in the excitement of saying it out loud again.

"What! Baby that's amazing! I'm so proud of you." I can hear the happiness in his voice as he speaks.

Hearing he is proud of me makes my heart swell. The feelings I have for this man makes me so excited for our future together.

"Thank you. And thanks for letting me use your laptop! I wouldn't have even sent the application off if-"

"No Aurora please, I didn't do anything." He cuts me off. "Your photos must have been amazing and they saw your talent. I'm so happy for you baby. So when is your interview?"

"Sarah, the lady I spoke to, said she would email me more info but I haven't got anything so far."

"Well let me know when you do. What time does your shift end tonight?"

"Midnight tonight, I'm going in for 6pm."

"Ok baby, I'll pick you up and you can stay at mine."

"Oh really?" I chuckle, I know he loves sleeping with me next to him and always tries and gets me to stay over. Not that I'm complaining.

"Yes, I want to see my beautiful girl and show her how proud I am of her."

"Alright, I'll see you at midnight babe. I love you."

"I love you baby, and well done."

I click the call off and throw my phone on my bed, happily skipping into the bathroom. I just need to ace this interview now.


"Stop with the clock watching you'll be out of here soon." Gavin laughs at me. He's right, I've been glancing at my watch all night. I've only got an hour left of my shift and I'm so looking forward to seeing Logan.

I may have worn some extra sexy lingerie tonight in hope of us being intimate. I've missed him this week. Since I got my bad cramps last week I really wasn't in the mood, but let me tell you, I am very horny and happy right now and I really want to show Logan that.

Before my shift I received the email from Sarah regarding the date and time of my interview. Wednesday 12th April at 11am. It also said I needed to bring a portfolio of my work.

That means I need to dig out my old photos and my camera and maybe take some new shots. I make a mental note of everything I need to do tomorrow. I think I might need to cancel my PT sessions too for the next couple of days.

"Rory, you going then it's just gone 12."

"Shit yeah, thanks Gav. See you later."

I race out of the club after shouting bye to everyone in search of Logan's car.

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