chapter sixteen

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"There you go sweetie."

"Thanks Iris."

It's Monday morning and I'm sat having my usual afternoon coffee and free blueberry muffin thanks to Iris. Logan normally joins me on a Monday but unfortunately today he had a meeting with the other PT's after our session. So I decided to have some alone time and enjoy an hour at Iris' cafe getting stuck into a cheesy romance novel.

I'm a few chapters deep into the story when my phone starts vibrating on the table.

Incoming call: Unknown number

"Hello?" I answer undecided whether it will be a salesperson or wrong number.

"Hello, is this Miss Aurora Johnson?"

"This is she. Who is speaking please?"

"Oh yes, my name is Sarah. I'm from the Wilson Photography Studio on Beckett Street in London. We have received your application for the internship at the studio and we would love to give you an interview this week at some point?"

I'm speechless. I can't believe I got through to the interview stage!

"Aurora? Hello? Are you there?"

"Yes, yes of course I'm here sorry. I would love to come for an interview!"

"Great, I have your email on the application so I shall send you the details later on. Please confirm your attendance."

"Of course, yes. Thank you so much!"

I hang up the call as Iris dashes over to my table after seeing me from the counter on the phone.

"Good news dear?" She asks smiling down at me.

"Yes! Yes I can't believe it. I need to tell Aunt Nic first though then she can fill you in." I grab my bag and phone ready to head home.

"Alright dear, go steady!" She shouts after me as I run out of the cafe and I don't stop until I reach my front door.

"Aunt Nic! Are you home?"

"Hey, what's going on?" She rubs her hands on my shoulders trying to calm me down. I try and catch my breath before trying to talk.

She heads into the kitchen as I sit on the counter, pushing a glass of water over to me which I down in one go.

"Alright, now what's going on Rory?"

"So, I have something to tell you." I say, grinning widely at her. She raises her brows suspiciously at me.

"So when Logan was here the other night we talked about a few things and it got me thinking about how much I loved photography. I haven't done anything with my life since Mom and Dad passed but I really enjoyed photography, and I was good at it too! Well anyway, I applied for an internship at a photography studio and I just got a call that I made it to the interview stage!"

She stands there staring at me. Her mouth opens slightly and her eyes glisten.

"Aunt Nic?" I jump off the counter, my voice suddenly a lot quieter.

Clearing her throat she moves towards me, capturing me in a hug. Her sweet perfume drifting into my senses.

"Oh Rory, I'm so proud of you." I can feel the hot tears running down her cheeks.

We pull back from each other as she wipes her face. "They are happy tears sweetie, I'm so happy for you. You have met a wonderful man who is pushing you to be yourself and go for what you want in life. You know I think of you as more than a niece and this makes me so proud Rory. And I know your Mom and Dad would be too."

More Than One NightOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz