Ariana And The Phoenix Warrior Fight

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Scream can be heard near the entrance of the enchanted forest. The royal sisters and their friends look towards the scream in shock.

"What's that?, Anna asks.

Ariana notice thin smoke and her eyes widen, "oh no", she whisper.

They all turn to her, "what is it?", Elsa asks.

"Is it that man again?", Kristoff asks and Ariana slowly nodded.

Ariana pull out her black sword and five balls of light appear behind her vertically, "I need your help", she said to the others without looking at them.

"We listen", Anna said.

"I'll distract him and you guys help the people out", Ariana said, "I'm counting on you to get them away from danger", she said as she glance at them, and they all nod.

"Be careful", Elsa said, worried.

Ariana nod, "you too", she said and fly up. Once she's up at the sky, she saw Jacob is walking towards the fallen people. Ariana charge towards him, "fire!", she command and the five lights blast towards Jacob. The balls hit the ground just as Jacob about to jump back and the blast force dust fly everywhere causing a blind spot.

The queen and the princess help their parents and the Arendellian soldiers up to their feet, while Kristoff, Sven and Olaf help the Northuldra.

The former king and queen notice Elsa and their eyes widen, "you're alive?", Iduna whisper.

"I'm here mother", Elsa assured with comforting voice as she help her mother up.

"We have to get you all somewhere safe", Anna said.

"What about Ariana?", Agnar ask.

Just before Anna about to answer that, the dust swing away, revealing Jacob holding his scythe. The black cloak get ripped off and burnt, he use a free hand to rip the cloak off him, reveal his orange armour gloves, yellow armour on both his shoulder with burning orange feathers, red long sleeves and long pants, orange armour boots.

He stare at the royal family with emotionless expression and slowly walk up to them. The former king hold tight to his family while Elsa raise a hand, ready to use her powers.

Just then, Ariana land right in front of her family, as she's not going to let anyone involved in her own problems. She stare at her best friend with a bit of nervousness on her face.

"Ariana!", Iduna said, happy to see her daughter.

"Leave them alone Jacob!", Ariana said, raising her voice, "it's me that you're after". Jacob shows no reaction at all, "there's no doubt", she thought, "his memory had been sealed but I believe it's not gone, it's in there somewhere waiting for someone to remind him".

Jacob grip the scythe's rod tighter while his face still looking at the royals, "I'm not going to back down this time Jacob", Ariana warned to him, "I'm going to snap you out of it, even if it means hurting you".

"Ariana no!", Agnar said from behind as he grip Ariana's right forearm. Ariana look back at him, "we can't lose you again!", he said as he recall that faithful night.

Ariana look at his father, "which is why I'm not going to die here", she said, "the only thing I need from all of you is your trust". Her family look at her speechless, "do you all trust me?", she asks.

"I can help you", Elsa said, "his specialties is creating fire, if I could put out the fire with my-".

"-I don't recommend that Elsa", Ariana cut her off, "his flame are made of 'phoenix the fire bird', in other words the 'eternal flame' ", Ariana explains, "it cannot be stopped by your ice and snow".

"Then how are you going to defeat him?", Anna asks.

Ariana close her eyes and smile a little, "I have my ways", she said as she open her eyes and the right eye turn black, her family is shock, "do you all trust me?", she asks again. Agnar slowly let go of Ariana's forearm, "go, now!".

Her family quickly run away, leaving Ariana to deal with Jacob. Ariana turn back to Jacob as black aura appear around her body, she grip her sword tightly and wield it to her front. They stare at each other for few seconds and the wind blows causing Ariana's coat and scarf gently fly to her side.

They both quickly charge at each other and keep on clashing their weapon. Ariana stab her sword straight, but Jacob notice that, he caught Ariana's right hand and and twist behind the princess back. Ariana's left hand starts to form claws on her fingers and swing it to to scratch Jacobs cheek, forcing him to let go of her.

Jacob jump back, then quickly charge at her again. Ariana use her right leg kick the fallen leave from the ground to distract Jacob and when the right leg land, she use the left leg to back kick Jacob on the left side of his head.

Jacob fly back and land on his feet, when he look up, Ariana charge towards him and grip his body to fly both of them up to the sky with high speed.

People from below saw them and stare at them with worry. The former rulers had uneasy feeling, seeing their daughter in such situation. While the older sisters had flashback 3 years ago.

Back at the sky, Jacob create a heatwave around his body and it cause Ariana to let go of him and fly back for safe distance. She starts to breath heavily due to tiredness of a fight earlier with Zeon.

Ariana notice Jacob is firing an orange beam at her and she fly up to dodge it, but her right leg got hit. She starts to groan in pain and notice thin smoke coming from the injured leg. She look up at Jacob again and notice he's about to fire another beam, Ariana also intend to do the same, she raise her left hand and a handful yellow ball created, soon each of them fire the beam at the same time.

Ariana is so tired, Jacobs beam is winning and it's getting closer and closer. She close her eyes, ready for the pain to come but it didn't, instead she felt hands on her left shoulder and her raised left hand. Ariana slowly open her eyes and look to her left, a light figure of Jacob that come from her memory appear, supporting her light beam. Ariana froze seeing him, but she knew this light figure is here to help her.

Light figure Jacob is looking at his body while his right hand is on Ariana's left shoulder, while the other one support Ariana's left hand. He turn to the princess with encourage smile.

"Let's do this Ariana!", he said, feeling confident.

Ariana had tears on her eyes, "Jacob", she whisper, she smile confidently and nod, she look back towards Jacob's body and forcing her strength into the beam.

Both Ariana and glowing Jacob scream to support their strength into the beam. Ariana's yellow beam push back towards the body of Jacob and it hit him and he fall down with an impact near the people causing them to gasp in shock.

Ariana breath heavily and her body starts to fall, but light figure Jacob caught her. Ariana regain her focus back and fly on her own, she look at Jacob with a smile.

"Good job", Jacob said to her as his body fade away, and raise a hand for offering a fist bump. Ariana smile and she raise a hand to accept the fist bump, soon Jacob fade away completely.

Ariana land down slowly near Jacob's body and once she on the ground, she fall to her knees, feeling exhausted. Anna and Elsa quickly go to her.

"You alright?", Anna asks, worried.

Ariana look at them, "other than my leg, I'm fine", she said, weakly.

"You did well", Elsa said and Ariana smile.

Their parents approach them and kneel to the ground, "are you ok?", Agnar asks.

"I'm fine dad", Ariana assure. Her expression change to serious as she look at Jacob who's still lying on the ground.

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