Advice For The Princess

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All eyes with worries are looking at Ariana. They can't imagine if Ariana do such thing as that.

"Is there something we can do?", Agnar ask the youngest, hoping that there is.

Ariana look down on the ground and slowly shook her head, "there's nothing we can do", she said, "they stubbornly believe what they did is right", she continues, "but clearly it doesn't".

"B-but how about Leo?", Anna asks and Ariana look at her, "he against it".

Ariana sigh, "he did say that I managed to change him".

"Any information about those two that still on the run?", Agnar asks.

Ariana look at her father, "one of them is named Raven", she said, "and his nickname is 'King Of Illusions' as you all know what that means", she added.

"King Of Illusions?", Iduna asks.

"He can create a perfect illusion", Ariana explain, "in other words, a trick", she stated, "his weapon is 'Light Sword', a sword that can blind the opponent with single command", she said, "and the other one is 'Dark Sword', a sword that help him create perfect illusions".

"Dark sword like yours?", Elsa asks.

"Nope", Ariana simply answer, "mine is a dark magic that give me the abilities using my body parts and he doesn't", she explains as she raise her left hand and dark claws appear along with black aura, making everyone shock.

"Whoa!", Anna exclaimed in shock.

Then the claws fade away, "and the other one's name is Elrik", Ariana said.

"Elrik?", Elsa asks the. she remembers something, "during both encountered-", she begin, "-I keep on hearing 'Elrik' name and and they expected something of you", she said.

Ariana glance at her then glance away, "he- I-", the young princess is lost of words as she remember the horrible things Elrik had done to her.

"It's ok Ariana", her mother comfort her.

Ariana is still lost of words, her heart beats fast, "pull yourself together", she thought encouraging herself, "I don't want to talk about it", she said and get up, "I need time alone", she said as Blizzard fly towards Olaf and quickly walk out.

They just watch her walk away, "what actually happened after we're gone?", Agnar asks the two oldest.

The two look at their parents, "many things", Anna said, "aside from the encounter, she's been suffer a bit of trauma lately".

"Nightmare too", Olaf added.

"When we try to talk about it to make her feel at ease", Elsa begin, "she just put a smile and said she's fine", she said, "and sometimes she lost control of herself and her powers just gone wild", she continue as she recoll 3 years ago at the dining room.

Iduna let out a gasp, "she must be in pain right now", she said.

"She in pain for years now", Anna corrected, "being separated from best friends that took care of her during hard time for nearly over 5 years now".

"And one of her best friends that is brainwashed try to kill her", Olaf added.

Agnar suddenly change the topic, "is that young man earlier is really her friend?", he asks.

"I think he is", Elsa said.

"Because Ariana look really hesitate at that one moment", Anna said, "unlike her past encountered that she always serious about it". The former rulers look at each other in worried.

Outside the camp, Ariana is standing while hugging herself and look at the ground. She keep on thinking and try to solve the puzzle, "how did Jacob manage to pass through the mist?", she thought, "is fore lotus really that strong to get through?", she keep on thinking that until she thinks of something else, "how am I gonna snap you to your senses?".

All Ariana know about the sealing memory is that it block their memories of who they are and just following orders if she could say.

"Maybe reminding them of their precious would work", Ariana thought but somethings wrong, "but what is their most precious memory?". That is the most hardest question for now, "if it doesn't work then it'll be more harder than it already is".

Suddenly she heard footsteps from behind and she look back and see her father's personal guard, "Lieutenant Matthias is it?", Ariana asks.

"Indeed it is, your highness", Mattias said as he stand right next to the princess. He look at the princess, "you alright princess?" he ask.

"I'll be fine but not right now", Ariana answer without look.

"I'm impressed your fighting technique earlier", he suddenly said looking to his front, "where'd you learn those?", he asks.

Ariana flinch unnoticeable, "um-", is all she said but she decided to tell him, "when I was 12 I was kidnapped and being kept far away from Arendelle", she explains and Mattias look at her in shock, "without knowing why, I was forcedly trained and learned all sorts of things, sword fighting, hand to hand combat, and a little bit of bow and arrow", she explains, "then I manage to escape and return home 2 years later".

"I'm so sorry that happened to you", Mattias said.

"It's the kidnappers fault", Ariana said, "but I believe that the way of life, not knowing what ahead of us and it's probably not what we expected as well".

"That's pretty much true", Mattias said, "just when you think you found your way, life will throw you into a new path".

Ariana look at him, "but what's that mean?", she asks.

Mattias look at the young princess, "I'll let you think of it", he said and walk away, leaving the princess.

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